Editor’s note: This information originally ran in the June 17, 2021 Independent Record on this page. We are running it again to help answer questions now being raised since the wooden park has been torn down.
After multiple years of consideration, the Hot Springs County Board of Trustees approved going out for bid on a new bus drop off that will serve Hot Springs County High School and Ralph Witters Elementary students next fall.
The new bus drop off lane would encompass the school district property on the south end of the track that is currently the wooden play park and would increase student safety, reduce traffic congestion in the current bus drop off, and improve bus traffic flow to main streets.
Other benefits would include reduced maintenance costs, reduced water usage, and additional parking for sporting events such as football games and track meets.
The funds used for the project are funds left over from the high school build project in 2006, and may only be used for enhancements to the facilities.
The project will have no impact on the district’s general operating fund.
Many projects have been considered with the wooden park in the past five years as the structural integrity of the park and lack of available replacement parts have created safety and liability concerns.
Once completed, Hot Springs County High School and Ralph Witters Elementary would share unloading protocols for students for this coming fall.
Though there are a number of parks and playgrounds in our community, losing one that can no longer be maintained can be difficult.
For this reason the Board will be researching an area to possibly add a gazebo/picnic area.
Dustin Hunt,
HSCSD #1 Superintendent
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