The Bighorn River runs 95 miles from the Wedding of the Waters south of Thermopolis to the North Kane Boat Ramp on the south end of the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation area. There are currently 16 access points.
Four public meetings at towns along the river were held, with the final meeting in Thermopolis last Thursday, to discuss the Bighorn River Blueway Trail.
The attraction of the Bighorn River is growing. The portion of the river in Hot Springs County has long been known for its blue ribbon fishing, with other rereationists including kayakers, canoeists, tube floaters, etc., are using the river more and more.
Blueway trails are unique in the fact that the trail - the river - is already there. Efforts are in the works to make it better.
The planners of the trail say more recreationists are coming, and we’d better be ready.
At the meeting in Thermopolis, local representative Dusty Lewis spoke as well as Christy Fleming of the Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program and the Bighorn Canyon National Park Service.
A number of interests, opinions and concerns were expressed by the public at the meeting.
Given the number of agencies collaborating to make the project a success, we urge our community to join the process by following the “BighornRiverBluewayTrail” Facebook page. Lovell, Greybull, Basin and Worland community members are getting involved, too.
Let’s welcome another asset to our local tourism opportunities.
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