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Commissioners vote to retain outside council

At the February 15 Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting, the commissioners discussed a letter from Budd-Falen Law Offices about the commissioners potentially retaining their legal services to work with county attorney Jill Logan as outside counsel for litigation recently filed and served against the county by Tipi Retreat, LLC.

The law firm is located in Cheyenne and the letter states, “This firm has experience in issues relating to zoning and land use planning in Wyoming. We also have experience in litigating and defending civil actions filed in the state district courts, so would be happy to assist in defending the county in this litigation.” The commissioners voted and approved to retain Budd-Falen Law Offices as outside counsel. 

The commissioners held a public hearing about a request for the enlargement of the Lucerne Water and Sewer District. The request came from Dee Hillberry and his company, the Big Horn River Ranch Company, LLC.

The purpose of the district is to own, operate, and maintain a water supply system within its boundaries. The purpose of the enlargement is to extend the boundary of the district to provide residential service to a contiguous 9.48-acre parcel owned by the petitioner. Attorney Virgil Kinnaird represented Hillberry and presented the request.

Chairman Tom Ryan opened the public hearing and after three requests for public comment, none were given. The public hearing was closed. The commissioners voted and approved the petition to enlarge the Lucerne Water District. There is also a 30 days period for any other public response. April 5, the commissioners will vote to potentially approve the enlargement of the water district. 

There was some discussion between Chairman Ryan and Kinnaird. Kinnaird brought up that there have been some studies regarding different water districts in the county. Kinnaird said, “I don’t know what happened to the joint powers board put together to address the Thermopolis area.” Chairman Ryan respond and said, “I can tell you being involved in that discussion it had a lot of legs at one point.” Ryan continued and said, “I would like to see us resurrect the Hot Springs County Joint Powers for the water just so that it can be central. Our hope is to pick that back up.”

Barb Rice gave the Youth Alternative report and said she has seven males and four females with 11 total enrolled. There were five new citations this month, and they took three of them, totaling 14. Additionally, there are four juveniles doing study tables at Common Ground. Also, on February 28 there will be a prevention education class. Rice added this is Teen Dating Violence Awareness month and they will have a taco bar as a meal while they discuss that subject. March 7 there will be a girls group meeting. Rice said they have some “great ideas”. March 28 there will be an Alive at 25 event.

The commissioners received an audit firm recommendation from county clerk Becky Kersten, which presented Carver, Florek, and James, LLC CPAs to perform the county’s audits. For the June 30 audit, it would cost $48,500. There also would be a 3% increase in the following fiscal years. Kersten recommended that commissioners commit to a three-year term. Also in the letter, “Hot Springs County received responses from two of the four solicited firms including one reply by letter that the responding firm had no room for additional clients, two firms did not respond in any fashion, and the receipt of one proposal.” Kersten worked through a scoring sheet as if there were multiple bids and this firm scored 96 out of 100 on the Required Minimum Standards. The commissioners voted and approved to select Carver, Florek, and James, LLC CPAs as the county’s auditing firm. 

The commissioner held a discussion about their commercial insurance carriers. Both HUB and WARM have requested to know which direction the commissioners will choose in who will insure the county so that their offices can prepare. Because there are still open claims with WARM and there still is work to be done, the commissioners will stay with them. However, the commissioners are still looking into their options of carriers. 

Regarding the courthouse roof project, head of maintenance for the county Les Culliton, reported he had a conversation with WARM and McLaren’s. It was noted that asbestos remediation is not included in the policy. Culliton added, “They are willing to look at the price differences from initial bid to current contract on items that are on the original bid.” They are willing to review any item that is National Building Code required and requirements for warranty by the roof material manufacturer.

The commissioners reviewed documents that reviewed the Black Mountain Road Scope of Work. Commissioner Phil Scheel said the information was “acceptable” and they added that they have already examined the information provided and were familiar. The commissioners voted and accepted the scope of work. 


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