The next meeting of the Hot Springs County Historical Society is Saturday, February 12 at 2 p.m. The featured program will be “A Bridger Mystery: The Elopement of Ferdig and Sickafoose” presented by Terril Mills.
The program discusses a search for an eloping couple that had been abandoned, but the mystery grew deeper. Apparently, they disappeared as completely as though the ground had opened and swallowed them.
Come hear Mills unravel the mysterious disappearance of Sylvester Ferdig and Annabelle Sickafoose and what became of them. There could be some accomplices in the audience. They may be revealed. Some ended up with a permanent residence in Thermopolis.
Terril Mills, a fifth-generation Ten Sleep, Wyoming rancher, became interested in history as he aged and life slowed down, giving him time to help others find their families. He is the father of five boys, one daughter, and 10 grandchildren at the present time.
The meeting is free and open to everyone who is interested in the history of Thermopolis, Hot Springs County and the State of Wyoming.
If you have any questions or comments, please call 921-1551 and leave a message. Refreshments will be served.
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