At the January 18 Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting, Michael Wright presented the county’s audit report. The report is 75 pages and contains two different audits, one being a compliance audit as the county had received more than $750,000 for federal expenses. During some discussion Chairman Tom Ryan said that they had difficulty because sometimes money was given prior to the rules being defined and that the spending decisions were complex. The commissioners voted and passed to accept the audit reports.
Dan Webber presented the subject of the county’s value estimate sheet and asked for guidance on how to handle prolonged measurements. Chairman Ryan said there has been discussion and it will be ongoing into the spring. Webber then proposed that he stop sending letters to those who were receiving estimates.
Les Culliton presented his maintenance report and addressed two matters. One was about the cooling town circulating pumps at the Law Enforcement Center and the courthouse. Culliton discussed which way to decide on the brand of the pumps. The options were either Thrush or Taco pumps. Thrush costs about $5,200. Culliton also wasn’t sure how to pay for them, from either emergency expenditures or the Law Enforcement Center’s depreciation fund. Chairman Ryan said that it should be paid for from the LEC’s depreciation fund.
The other subject Culliton addressed was a grant proposal for Red Dirt Master Gardeners (RDMGs). Culliton was addressing some landscaping projects that would be located in front of the courthouse and sought the RDMGs for help. They suggested planting some native plants which would be low maintenance and use less water and time to maintain. RDMG member Kim Bartlett presented the plan to the commissioners with Culliton and said they could apply for a $500 grant to do the work which would also have an education element to it. The commissioners voted and approved the plan to apply for the grant. The projected start is in August.
In other business, the commissioners appointed Brett Belden to the Predator Animal Control board.
The commissioners also held a discussion regarding a county liquor license. Information was provided by state official Kelly Hunt to Hot Springs County Clerk Becky Kersten. Chairman Ryan suggested they require an entity pay a $1,200 fee for the license use and that entity must utilize it and not sit on it. The commissioners voted to approve a request for proposals to be sent out with a February 25 deadline to have the license put up for use and the commissioners will determine who to offer it to. The license will be used within Hot Springs County but not within the Town of Thermopolis.
The commissioners also appointed Jack Baird to be the liaison to the BLM Greater Sage Grouse/Sagebrush Habitat Management Plans as a cooperating agency.
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