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Looking forward to 2022

This year has seen its fair share of crazy incidents locally as well as across the state and country.

It’s fitting the end of what is commonly referred to as the “holiday season” is the New Year; one last “hurrah” for 2021, as we venture forward — some with trepidation, others with composure — into 2022.

Henry Ward Beecher wrote once, “Every man should be born again on the first of January,” and while it’s nice to have the sense of an empty calendar year there’s no denying that, before long, each of us will have more than his or her share of commitments and activities to fill those boxes and pages.

And while that New Year is waiting for us just around the corner, the holiday also gives us pause for reflection what 2021 was to us.

Though the year had plenty of downer moments, there were plenty of up sides as well.

As a community, country and world we are looking forward to bringing in 2022.

We are all hopeful for a Happy New Year.

At the Independent Record, we are happy to be part of this community. Without you, we would not be here.

So, when that final countdown comes December 31, take some time to remember everything that passed in 2021, and look forward to what’s to come in 2022.


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