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Christmas parade planned

At the November 11 Chamber of Commerce board meeting held at Big Horn Federal, the date for the community Christmas Parade was announced. The parade will be Saturday, Dec. 11 beginning at 6 p.m. For more information, contact the chamber at 864-3192

CEO Meri Ann Rush discussed some old business during the meeting. Rush reported that the October 16 100th Annual Chamber Banquet had 144 people attend and they raised more than the expenses they budgeted for. Rush said they did well and that the evening was successful. 

For the October 28, Moonlight Madness event Rush said the attendance was “amazing”. They estimated they had over 300 people show up. The Chamber stuffed 175 bags and gave out all but one. Rush had the costume contest meet in the middle of the street in front of Town Hall because it was better lighted than Bicentennial Park. However, Rush notices some of the street lamps were not working. Rush told Town Council about this and the matter was quickly remedied. Rush added that there was a parent who offered to help volunteer and she was grateful for that. Next year, they hope to have additional volunteers.

Dr. Vernon and Rachel Mill sponsored the event and gave over $500 to assist. The chamber board discussed reworking how the judging went and who were the judges to prevent any issues of misunderstanding. The Thermopolis Independent Record also was part of the event and had several pinatas for kids to bash open to get a variety of candy. This was previously done by Las Fuentes. The Masons also sold tacos at their hall and ran out of food before 7 p.m.

Rush reported on the chamber’s October 20 Lunch and Learn event led by Susan Linko. Linko discussed bulk mailing and having mail in every box drop. Ten people attended. Rush added that the event is open to all, however, chamber members cost $15 and non-members cost $20. The next Lunch and Learn will be on November 17 and will discuss pre-planning for funeral costs. 

In new business, the chamber will meet on January 13 to do a work session. At this meeting, they will discuss any potential changes to their strategic plan. Chamber president Howie Samelson said that Rush will be putting together information for their county map project to start advertising. They are looking at additional advertising opportunities using a local vendor for magnets instead of using an outside contractor. The chamber is potentially creating some bundle options for the ads. There was some discussion of the concept of the bundles and the dollar amounts. The chamber board voted and approved to pass the concept and the rates which may be subject to change with some adjustments. 

The chamber board voted and passed to approve their train to be sold for use in a park in Worland. The Spring in a Bag project was tabled as well. 

Howie Samelson reported on behalf of Main Street Thermopolis and said that more decorative lighting has been put up and also new black flag brackets were on display. Samelson added there is still more movement on the facade improvement grants.

The chamber office will be closed from December 24 through January 2. The next chamber meeting will be on December 9 at Big Horn Federal. 


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