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New recreation center director settling in

Brian Parker is the new Recreation Center Director. He is 25 years old and recently moved from Connecticut, where he was a college student in recreation management and a personal trainer. Parker said he was excited to move across the country. 

Parker found the job opportunity with Hot Springs County on an online job board and applied. He had been searching for opportunities out west, specifically Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Parker interviewed and then first visited Thermopolis at the end of July, early August. After one more interview, he was offered the job, which he happily accepted. He then moved to Hot Springs County and started officially in the position on September 13.

Parker's reason to move west is because of his interest in the outdoors and recreational activities. He is drawn to the sense of adventure and doing something new and is looking for new places to explore. Living in Thermopolis matches the lifestyle of things he likes to do. 

The transition to the area and doing the work has been "pretty smooth" for Parker. The former director Anja Abbott guided Parker into the job of understanding the procedures and administrative things in the first few weeks. 

Parker said, "I look forward to keeping it going. There are no giant changes yet. I'm hoping to add more programs based on what the community wants. Possibly with some new projects to come probably in the spring. But I am still in the planning stages and working out those details."

Regarding joining the Thermopolis community and getting plugged in, Parker said, "I like everyone here. Everyone is so nice and welcoming for me and also my girlfriend who is here with me. They have given us good info and tips. Everyone has been really helpful to us, from our landlord to the rec department."

Parker added, "I encourage people to reach out on the phone, social media, or just stop by." The Recreation Center is located at 83 US Highway 20 North, 864-3767. 


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