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On the record

On the Record policy

It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest.

Sheriff’s Office

Monday, Sept. 27

3:35 p.m. A citizen assist involving a welfare check on a 24-year-old female. The subject was located and was OK.

5:13 p.m. Report of fraud involving a citizen who received a phone call from a person with a Middle Eastern accent named James Smith. The caller provided his badge number and said to the citizen that there was a supposed order of $4,500 Amazon items to be shipped to Tennessee. The citizen did not provide any information, no name or credit card numbers. The citizen reported the call as possible fraud. The citizen did not lose any money. 

6:46 p.m. Report of trespassing involving a request for a property north of town.

Tuesday, Sept. 28

8 a.m. Report of theft involving multiple items. The matter is still under investigation.

Wednesday, Sept. 29

3:44 p.m. Report of information involving a deputy who performed a property execution of a vehicle. 

Thursday, Sept. 30

11:27 a.m. Report of an accident that occurred on Wakely Road. A cow went into the path of a vehicle and was struck. The cow’s condition is not known.

8:54 p.m. Report of a fatal accident that occurred at mile marker 124 on Highway 20 South. A deer jumped in front of the vehicle, the driver swerved to miss the animal and lost control. The driver was a 31-year-old male. A 27-year-old female passenger was found deceased. An official Wyoming Highway Patrol accident report was not available at press time. 

Friday, Oct. 1

12:44 p.m. Report of information involving a court order weapons confiscation of Carnell Lee Deere, 29, who was arrested on a Police Department case.

Saturday, Oct. 2

4:32 p.m. Report of suspicious activity where a subject felt someone was watching them and was making improper actions. The deputy arrived to check it out and informed the other subject to cease and desist their behavior. The subject went into their house. 

Sunday, Oct. 3

7:46 a.m. Report of suspicious activity involving a transient male subject with many bags on the side of the road north of town. The subject received a ride from law enforcement from a neighboring county. The subject did not ask for anything and wanted to be left alone.

6:49 p.m. Report of suspicious behavior involving a comment made to a homeowner who became scared about their property. They were concerned someone would come back to destroy their property. The deputy monitored their property. 

Police Department

Monday, Sept. 27

4:36 a.m. A citizen assist involving a 60-year-old male who went into a house to get his belongings. 

8:09 a.m. An officer assisted emergency medical services in the transport of a patient to the hospital. 

8:23 a.m. A citizen assist involving a custody dispute between two parents. The officer arrived and the matter was resolved.

9:42 a.m. An officer assisted emergency medical services in the transport of a patient to the hospital. A defibrillator was used on the scene. 

2:04 p.m. Report of trespassing involving a subject at a trailer park being served a trespass notice. The officer surveyed the scene.

2:42 p.m. A knife was found and turned in at the Law Enforcement Center. It may be claimed by identifying it. 

9:11 p.m. Report of harassment involving a 37-year-old female and a 37-year-old male who were splitting up. One subject was making repeated calls and was told to stop. 

Tuesday, Sept. 28

8:03 a.m. A citizen assist involving a father trying to get a Chromebook to his daughter. The officer took the Chromebook to the school. 

11:50 a.m. Report of theft involving two signs stolen on street work done on Amoretti. The signs say, “This project is paid for by your local one-cent tax fund.”

1:51 p.m. Report of an accident in the McDonald’s drive-through. A truck rear-ended an SUV.

5:10 p.m. A citizen assist involving a subject who was locked inside the landfill. The town was called and they let the person out. 

7:51 p.m A welfare check involving a 50-year-old woman who left town and her husband was concerned. The officer was able to locate her in another town.  

Wednesday, Sept. 29

5:20 p.m. Report of suspicious activity involving a male subject who was netting fish in the ponds in the Hot Springs State Park. The officer told him to stop and put the fish back in. He did. The officer contacted the State Park to confirm if this was ok or not.

6:45 p.m. Report of a family fight involving a verbal confrontation. The couple calmed down and went back to normal activities. There were no arrests or citations. 

11:34 p.m. Carnell Lee Deere, 29, was arrested for alleged aggravated assault and battery, reckless endangering firearm and pedestrian under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance. 

Thursday, Sept. 30

9:06 a.m. Report of a citizen assist involving a female subject who sold a vehicle but her plates were still on it. The officer advised her to show the bill of sale to the person who bought the car.

11:11 a.m. Report of harassment between neighbors at a trailer park. The call was originally trespassing, but changed to harassment. The officer told the neighbors to get their difference taken care of by the park’s manager. 

Friday, Oct. 1

7:51 p.m. Report of a hit and run involving a vehicle parked in the alley behind One Eyed Buffalo. The female driver of a vehicle left her children in the vehicle to quickly pick up food. While she was inside, a vehicle struck her vehicle. The matter is still under investigation. 

8:04 p.m. Report of an escort where the police provided support for the school’s cross-country team’s Glow Run. 

Saturday, Oct. 2

12:41 a.m. Justin Muhs, 45, of Red Lodge, Montana, was arrested for alleged public intoxication. 

2:45 a.m. Dustin Steadman, 34, was arrested for alleged sexual abuse with a minor, second degree and incest. No further details were available. 

7:38 p.m. Report of an accident involving the driver of a vehicle that struck a deer outside of town and unbeknownst to the driver, the deer was stuck under the vehicle and they drug the deer’s body all the way to the Maverik parking lot.

9:34 p.m. Walter H Wilkison, 67, of Worland, was arrested for alleged driving while under the influence of alcohol and possession of a controlled substance, marijuana. 

Circuit Court

Gloria Wass, driving while license was cancelled, suspended, or revoked if not suspended for 31-5-229 or 31-5-233, fees and fines $440.

Brian Breschini, open container, moving vehicle, first offense, fees and fines $140.

Melissa E. Balstad, was bound over to district court with two counts of arson, first degree.

Brandon Tekeith Pope, driving while under the influence of alcohol, equal or greater than 0.08%, third offense within 10 years, 180 days jail, 150 days suspended, one year unsupervised probation, fees and fines $1,020.00.

Secunddino Jacinto Carillo, breach of peace, 58 days jail, fees and fines $70.


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