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Sergeant Pat Cornwell was named as interim Thermopolis Chief of Police during the September 7 Thermopolis Town Council meeting.
Mayor Mike Chimenti announced that Chief Julie Mathews retired on September 15 and said with the council’s approval he wanted to appoint Cornwell as chief beginning September 16 until January 1.
Chimenti said that this period of time would be a probationary period and the appointment could become permanent or Cornwell could return to the position of sergeant on January 1. If that happens, they would advertise the position and accept applications.
The council voted and passed to approve the appointment of Cornwell to interim chief of police.
During citizen participation, Rod McQueen requested assistance with a family member’s neighbor’s issue. Bob van Maarth also joined McQueen.
McQueen said, “I know the council has denied other people in the past because of the ordinances for home licenses. Well, we have a real problem down by where I live. We have a person next door that has abandoned vehicles. They’ve been there for over a year.”
McQueen added that there are three abandoned vehicles there now and at times there have been up to six. Also, there are two trailers. McQueen said, “There are no utilities at the house. We have people camping in the backyard and there are no utilities. And that’s really scary. That’s a health concern, because if there’s no water, where are these people going to the bathroom?”
Mayor Mike Chimenti asked for the address. McQueen replied and gave the address. McQueen explained his family member next door cannot leave the house and he is concerned about her well-being there. McQueen added, “I’ve caught seven raccoons, two feral cats and a rattlesnake in my backyard. And I always know when there’s a raccoon because I have a deer fence and I get garbage strung all through my backyard.”
McQueen also described the utilities of the property and said the neighbor is in violation of city ordinances. McQueen said, “I know there’s no gas. It’s easy to see that there is no power in the house because the meter has been pulled. The gas meter has been pulled out of the alley in the main shut with its lock. As far as I know, the city said there was no water. And if there’s no water, we have a real problem, especially people camping in the backyard. Where are they going to the bathroom there?”
Van Maarth also spoke up and said the problem “affects the other neighbors and it becomes a health hazard. I think it’s up to our authorities to do something about it and make sure that it is in compliance.”
McQueen said that has talked to the power company and the police in May but now it is September. Additionally, McQueen asked for a crosswalk to be placed on Second Street and Broadway as vehicles are not stopping.
Mayor Mike Chimenti replied to McQueen and Van Maarth that Law Enforcement will follow up on it and address it.
Also, for citizen participation, there was a letter from the International Order of the Odd Fellows. They want to place a food pantry in Bicentennial Park. Mayor Chimenti said, “I’d like to table that we can get him in here and talk to him a little bit about that to figure out what we want to do.”
Town Engineer Anthony Barnett reported that the town shop roof replacement has been completed and provided a certificate for it needing the mayor’s signature. The Council voted and passed to accept the certificate of substantial completion.
Barnett also reported that the chip sealing workers have arrived and will complete that work by Friday.
Under codes administration, Fred Crosby reported that there is some remodeling going on at McDonald’s and that Family Dollar is going to expand their building.
Council member John Dorman asked about the wall left standing that was part of Las Fuentes that had burned down. Crosby said, “There’s a lot of finger-pointing with insurance companies as to whose wall that it actually is. It’s a party wall and party walls are a confusing mess. Ray De Vries did put some big boxes out around to keep people away from it, but that’s a pretty nasty-looking wall.” Crosby said they have a letter sent out to an insurance company and are working on it.
Crosby also brought up some bids for a police cruiser from two different companies, Spradley Barr and Fremont out of Lander.
Spradley Barr had a 2022 Ford Explorer with two different options. One is a basic model for $30,794 and the other has a larger engine for $32,266. Both amounts meet the Town’s bid specs. The one from Fremont of Lander was a Dodge Durango for $33,811.48.
The Council voted and passed to approve the purchase of the Spradley Barr basic model for $30,794.
For the chief of police report, Mayor Chimenti wanted to know how many abandoned and junk car nuisance notices have been given, how long they’ve been given and how many are being followed upon. Chimenti also requested the same information for the nuisance complaints on weeds in yards.
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