Jase Longwell was named year end all around boy during the Wyoming High School Rodeo Finals held in Douglas last weekend.
Jase Longwell scored 54 in the first go in saddle bronc riding and 41 in the short go for 95 in the average on two. He also scored 12.19 in steer wrestling in the first go and 7.75 in the short go for third and 119.94 in the average on three. Jase teamed up with brother McCoy in the team roping and scored a 12.16 in the second go for a 27.47 for sixth in the average on two. They then scored 7.57 during the short go for second and 35.04 in the average on three for third.
Roedy Farrell scored a 70 in the first go in bareback riding and a 74 in the second go for 144 and second in the average on 2. He then scored 71 in the short go for second and an average of 215 on three.
Garrett Titmus (with partner Donald Quick) scored a 9.84 in the first go and a 7.47 in the second go for a 17.31 and first in the average on two. They then scored a 13.35 in the short go for fifth and second in the average on three with a 30.66.
Emme Norsworthy scored a 68 in the first go of girls cutting and a 72 in the second go for a 140 and second in the average on two. She then scored 73 in the short go for first and an average of 213 and first on three. She also scored 4.66 in breakaway roping in the short go for fifth place.
Layne Myers (with partner Kagan Gilbert) scored a 8.53 in the second go for team roping.
Roedy Farrell in bareback riding, Jase Longwell in saddle bronc riding and steer wrestling and Jase and McCoy Longwell all qualified for nationals for the boys.
Emme Norsworthy qualified for nationals in girls cutting.
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