Something is “a fowl” here and it’s not backyard chickens.
I’m not even saying I am right in every incident or presentation, however we need to be on the same page if we are to arrive at place of advancing the prosperity and well being of this town and all the people in this town. We’re just not having the same conversation.
In the same meeting where I mentioned a family (in downtown Los Angeles) that makes $20,000 / year off of the same amount of property I currently possess, (using 5 chickens, 2 Goats and a few ducks), there was a request for $10,000 and it was a stretch for “the town” to allocate $5,000 to help a project that will benefit the community far beyond their investment. We’re talking about ONE property owner that, if allowed, could do 20k! Imagine if you will, a reality within Thermopolis , where each property owner was allowed within their personal property rights and reasonable towns codes, to be that productive? Having quoted Ecclesiastes 5:9 “Moreover the profit of the land is for all; even the king is served from the field.” (NKJV), at the beginning of my presentation to the council Tuesday night, the thought is, that if I (was allowed to) prosper, “the king” prospers. That means the mayor, the council and “their area of reign” (the town of Thermopolis). I believe the oppression I feel towards a simple matter as “chickens” is not only operating in this matter alone. I don’t believe the majority rules here and if I was the right individual that had the hearts and ears of the council, we’d not be having a problem. This means we have to go back to Ecclesiastes 5:8 to find our solution. (in short) If there is oppression from one source, they themselves are being oppressed by another. In my thought process, that leads me to the ones who control the council are a few powerful voices that are not the majority, but have the influence over them. The proof is that the one councilmen that has been (publicly) open to the idea of chickens from the very beginning, received the most votes in the last election. The other three members (plus the mayor) seem to be living under the false reality that the majority of people do not want them. When in fact it is “a certain persuasive few” that have the say. It is clearly evident that the council is under the influence of these prevailing forces. If that mindset and their actions do not move toward lifting up and helping every member of this community prosper, we’ll be left with a ghost town that has a small puddle of hot water and a few big dilapidated houses on the hill. People will either come here and celebrate the memory of these old ancient kings who ruled here or they will visit a thriving town where all people are being made rich who live here, not just a few.
I don’t believe the overall thought process of Thermopolis, and Wyoming for that matter believes in their people. We complain when people that are not us, prosper and it seems we’d rather have bars, horse racing and prisons while pandering to the visitors, than actually believe in (and allow) someone (from here) to rise up and become successful. The controlling few that have taken advantage of the rules within a republic, have suppressed the majority while they tell us to like it. As long as that possible majority is not allowed to speak and the few in power continue to listen to voices other than the people under them, you’ll have continued oppression. If the head (leadership) is not listening to the body (community), then there has become a serious and possible fatal, detachment. This goes far beyond a simple matter like chickens, this is a pivotal point in the future of this town and the entire state. What will become of us as we begin to deny reason and detach from reality, while pandering to a “powerful few“?
Darren Cole Butcher
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