Hot Springs Memorial Hospital Foundation, Inc. has awarded $24,000.00 to Hot Springs Health to be applied toward the acquisition of 3D Digital Mammography equipment in the Department of Radiology. The new equipment is up and running at Hot Springs Health.
The equipment will allow Hot Springs Health to provide state of the art mammography screenings in Hot Springs County.
Funds for the award were derived from a grant of $15,000. from the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative; a donation of $500.00 from Dr. Randy J. Folker, MD; and $8,500.00 raised by the Hospital Foundation at its Annual Golf Tournament last August.
The foundation has also undertaken a joint project with the Hot Springs Memorial Hospital Auxiliary known as the “Baby’s First Pillow Project.”
For many years, the Hospital Auxiliary has operated a project which provides a wonderful gift bag to new moms giving birth at Hot Springs Health. The gift bag includes very generously contributed items and services by the Children’s Resource Center; Gooseberry Garden Quilt Shop; Paintbrush Dental; Hot Springs County School District #1; Carol Vicklund Bevins; Ellen Mortimore; Melene Mierzejewski and Patsy McClean.
To the list of wonderful items in the gift bag, the project adds a cozy baby pillow, suitable for use for nursing, sleeping, sitting, etc.
Hot Springs Memorial Hospital Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity that provides financial support for Hot Springs Memorial Hospital in Thermopolis; Hot Springs Health Red Rock Family Practice in Thermopolis and Worland; Hot Springs Health Riverton; Hot Springs Health Surgical Clinic in Thermopolis, and Big Horn Clinic in Basin.
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