Thermopolis FFA members, from both Hot Springs County High School and Thermopolis Middle School, recently competed at their State Convention coming home ranked as a three star chapter, the highest rating available.
Morgan Slover received gold in Proficiency Awards for Animal Systems Agriscience. Her application will now move on and National FFA will compile all golds, and pick three finalists to attend National Convention in Indianapolis in the fall. This is the same process that Jessie Pennoyer went through a few years ago. Rebekah Johnson received bronze.
Career Development Events (CDEs)
HS Livestock Judging team was 1st in Beef, 9th in Female Selection, 6th in Reasons and 7th in Swine. Hadley Johnson, 2nd High Individual, along with Cadence Steadman, Lexi Overfield and Owen McCumber came in 4th as a team overall.
MS Livestock Judging came in 1st with team members Rylee Agar, Hayden Overfield, Tymber Eckley and Taylor Agar. Rylee Agar earned High Individual.
Meats Evaluation team came in 5th with team members Kallie Van Heule, Simon Ream, Eli McCumber and Will Clark.
HS Poultry Judging came in 10th with team members Chase Herring, Porter McCumber, Simon Ream, and Cody Mayfield.
MS Poultry Judging team came in 1st with team members Hanna Hill, Tera Kraushaar, Austin Slagle and Teresa Steadman. Tera Kraushaar earned High Individual.
MS Horse Judging team came in 3rd with team members Maile McCumber, Jayssie Owsley, Kamryn Farrell and Kaycee Stothart.
Vet Science team came in 29th with team members Rebekah Johnson, Morgan Slover, Lexi Overfield and Kallie Van Heule.
Ag Mechanics team came in 20th with team members Jim Christensen, Jason Bowman, Gavin Shumway and Chase Moeller.
The Ag Sales team of Eli Dickey, Morgan Slover, Kallie Van Heule and Kaitlin Barral came in 21st.
Hadley Johnson, Owen McCumber, Chase Herring and Kale Odell came in 10th in ENR/CDE.
Leadership Development Events (LDEs)
The Ag Issues team of Hallie Martinez, Owen McCumber, Sydney Shaffer, Emme Norsworthy, Jason Bowman and Rebekah Johnson came in 1st and qualified for Nationals. Their Portfolio will be submitted on August 8th.
“Currently, the National FFA is saying this contest will be done virtually. It is the only contest that is not a Hybrid contest. I think it will change in the coming months. This is one of the only 1st at the HS level that I am aware of, in 82 years,” said advisor Britton Van Heule.
Parli Pro came in 7th with a team of Rebekah Johnson, Hallie Martinez, Ally Taylor, Ruthanne Johnson, Morgan Slover and Sydney Shaffer.
Conduct A Meeting team came in 7th Dazzlyn Hunt, Tucker Lake, Porter McCumber, Brooklyn Williams, Kadance Bowman, Jayda Griffin and Kaia Galovich.
Rebekah Johnson came in 8th in Extempt Speaking.
AgriScience Fair
All gold students will submit their application and paper to National FFA. From there, FFA will chose the top twelve in each category. These students will then attend the National FFA Convention in the fall to compete.
Animal Systems Div 1: Gold Tymber Eckley, Silver Teresa Steadman, Bronze Jayssie Owsley.
Animal Systems Div 2: Silver Rylee and Taylor Agar, Bronze Maile McCumber and Kamryn Farrell.
Environmental and Natural Resources (ENR) Div 1: Gold Austin Slagel, Silver Kaycee Stothart.
ENR Div 4: Gold Owen McCumber and Gavin Shumway.
ENR Div 3: Gold Lexi Overfield.
ENR Div 5: Bronze Eli McCumber.
Food Products/Processing systems Div 3: Gold Ruthanne Johnson.
Plant Systems Div 1: Sliver Lainie Boren.
Plant Systems Div 2: Gold Hayden Overfield and Ellis Webber.
Power Structural and Tech Systems Div 2: Silver Cody Bomoengen and Stone Pebbles.
Power Structural and Tech Systems Div 6: Gold Jason Bowman and Jim Christensen.
Social Sciences Div 1: Gold Tera Kraushaar.
Rebekah Johnson, Eli Dickey and Emme Norsworthy were presented with their State FFA Degrees.
A State Honorary FFA Degree was presented to Breez Daniels.
2020-21 Thermopolis FFA Advisors/Coaches include: Britton Van Heule, Becky Martinez, Sadie Eckley, Jocelyn Hatch - Chapter Conduct and Parliamentary Procedure coach, Jacob Chaloupka - Veterinary Science coach, Kati McCumber - MS Horse coach, Joey Johnson - MS/HS Livestock coach.
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