Alpha Phi #1148 Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha held their Annual Awards Ceremony and dinner on March 30. Everyone enjoyed a carry in dinner followed by the awards ceremony presented by Awards Chair Jenifer Grimm.
Awards Given include:
Perfect Attendance: Carol Andreen, Kim Enis, Ruth Galovich, Jenifer Grimm, Kendi Heinze, Michelle Herring, Stefanie Ireland, Brenda Larson, Cindy Magelky and Linda Ziegler.
2nd Degree Pallas Athene: Kendi Heinze
10 Years of Service: Michelle Herring
50 Years of Service: Belle Flinn
Woman of the Year: Linda Ziegler
Outstanding Educational: Jenifer Grimm—“Learning to Survive an Active Shooter Event”
Outstanding Social: Christmas Party and Sock Auction
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