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Don't get framed

There are some rumors going around town about my dog and some other things. I talk to my dog when driving my car or truck. I live alone with little Bull Chop, that is her name. Sometimes I call her good girl and she gets a treat and sometimes I call her little girl in a stern way when she does something I don’t approve of.

There is a group and others who do not like Veterans who serve God and Country. We bleed, loose arms, legs and give our lives for our country. These groups and others think us Veterans should get nothing for our service, no benefits at all.

I have neighbors who are a part of this group. If you don’t like the way I talk to my dog or like what I have to say when I drive and talk to my dog in my private rides, we can go to court before the judge and he or she can clear this up.

So check your cell phones, cars and trucks out. There may be a device of some kind. I intend to check mine. Don’t get framed for something you did not intend.

Michael G. Bowman


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