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At the March 16 County Commissioners meeting, Shane Rankin gave his Road and Bridge report and said that the Big Horn Basin Discovery Center requested assistance in moving some dirt for a mound on their center’s location. They want to use a bulldozer and loader to form the mound in preparing for a pond and waterfall to eventually be put there. The work would take about one to two days. A formal motion was not necessary, and the commissioners gave their approval.
Hot Springs County Sheriff Jerimie Kraushaar came to request approval for the law enforcement grant agreement with the Shoshone National Forest. In the agreement, the county would provide enforcement and provide a protective presence in the Shoshone National Forest area. The cost will be $3,500. The commissioners voted to approve the agreement.
In other business, the commissioners appointed Jeanne Bulkley as a Weed and Pest Board member.
County coroner Mark Mortimore came to the commissioner’s meeting to address a recent death in the county with no one to claim the body. There were no known family members, or any known relatives.
After much back-and-forth discussion, Chairman Ryan said that this issue isn’t “ready for prime time” and asked that County Attorney Jill Logan do more research into it and determine where policy is created and how to properly handle the matter.
Howie Samelson spoke representing Main Street Thermopolis and said they are reviewing their plans for the near future, coordinating their May clean-up with the town and looking at possible grants to extend the decorative lighting through the rest of the Main Street District. Samelson added that they continue to assist building owners with their applications to the Facade Improvement Grant program.
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