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A future of more jobs gone forever

Welcome to the financial future you have voted for, my liberal friends!

The National Debt is 27.8 Trillion dollars as of 1 P.M. 1-21-2021. That is $222,191.00 per tax payer. The U.S. GDP was estimated to be 21.3 trillion in 2020, the latest figure available. The debt is now 6.5 trillion dollars more the than the entire economic output of the country, and will only grow with increased job and business losses.

The Treasury Department and the Fed are still practicing “ Quantitative Easing,” with interest rates below 1%. The Fed is buying Treasury Bonds at the rate of $128,000,000,000 per month. In order to do this, the presses are running 24/7 printing money. Fake money buying worthless treasury bonds

Foreign central banks are selling U.S. Treasury bonds at a record pace. China, Japan, France, Brazil and Colombia led the pack of countries dumping U.S debt And the value of the dollar continues to fall.

The projected budget deficit for 2020 is $3.3 Trillion dollars, raising the total debt to 31 trillion dollars.

The insanity of continued spending will, at some point in the near future, cause the US dollar to collapse. The ensuing recession/depression will be unavoidable, and more economic stimulus will only hasten the outcome.

What does the newly elected Congress and Presidential Administration promise, trillions more spending, and more economic lock down. The result will be businesses closed forever, more jobs gone forever and more people dependent on government forever.

There is one thing I am very confident of, contrary to the liberal BS, the rich will not pay, most of our “leaders” are the rich, and they exempt themselves from everything.

In a vain attempt to forestall the effects of their failed policies, they will come for your 401k’s, your Vanguard and Fidelity accounts, which liberals have had their sights set on for decades, as the only source of “Unused Money.” Couple that with an inability to continue paying Social Security and Medicare costs and you have the making of the “perfect financial storm.”

Pray no Civil War 2.0 ensues.

Howard Palmer


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