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Milek display featured at museum

The Hot Springs County Museum recently added a new display to its features that celebrates the legacy of the late Dorothy Grace Buchanan Milek. The Pioneer Association chose Cynthia Garbin to create the Milek display, as Garbin is very familiar with Milek's legacy in the area.

Garbin said, "Milek is very special and important to the community. I felt very honored when they asked, 'would you like to do this?'". 

Milek, whose husband was the late Bob Milek, had five children and is known as an established historian of Hot Springs County. She has written three major books and was a regular columnist at the Thermopolis Independent Record called the "Museum Musings," which went into the 1980s.

Milek was born in Thermopolis after her grandparents moved here in 1915. They lived on their land at the Buchanan ranch and farm, which is part of West Sunnyside. 

Garbin said that Milek was very civic-minded, she loved words, history and was a writer. Milek was credited with starting the local historical society. She was on the board of the county museum for many years and also its director for a period of time. She was also a member of the Pioneer Association.  

There are many more aspects of Dorothy Milek and visitors can learn more about her at the county museum. Milek's books of history and archival materials are also available at the county museum for sale and for research. 


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