Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce Christmas Committee has been busy planning for the holiday season.
Saturday, November 28 kicks off the Christmas Season with Shop Small Saturday. Make sure to Shop Local first.
Additionally, for Small Business Saturday, Red Dirt Master Gardeners will be holding a Thanksgiving Farmers Market and Craft Fair on November 28 from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. It will be $10 per booth. It will be held at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Please call 864-3028 for more information.
The Annual Lighted Christmas Parade will be Friday, December 4 at 6 p.m. The theme is Santa’s Workshop. Line up begins at 5:30 p.m. It is not too late to enter.
The parade route begins on Senior Avenue and heads west on Arapahoe to Fifth Street, then turns left on Fifth Street until Broadway, at Broadway turn right and head west until the intersection of Sixth & Broadway, turn around and head east on Broadway until Fourth Street.
Tawna McQueen will be doing the announcing at the flagpole. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be the last float, and unfortunately this year due to COVID, there will not be pictures with them after the parade. While downtown, stop in the stores and shop.
The Elf Tree is located at Thermopolis Hardware & Mercantile with wrapped presents to be returned on December 19. The Senior Tree is located at Bank of Thermopolis with wrapped presents to be returned by December 14.
The Christmas Committee and volunteers refurbished the town Christmas Decorations and checked to make sure all the lights worked and replaced bulbs. A group of Thermopolis Volunteer Firemen and local electricians put up the decorations on the power poles, and the Thermopolis Town Crew is busy putting all the wreaths up along the main drive and downtown area. This year they have added garland and new banners at Bicentennial Park. All decorations will be up before Shop Small Saturday.
The 4th Annual Window Decorating Contest is being held this year. Contact the Chamber to be included in the contest. The winning window will win $100 in Chamber Bucks. The Chamber encourages everyone to decorate around the theme of Santa’s Workshop. If you are unable to decorate your windows and want them done, please contact the Chamber.
A Merry Christmas Market will be held. Turn your receipts in at the Chamber or email a copy from participating businesses to enter in a weekly drawing for Chamber Bucks beginning November 27th. Visit the Chamber website for a list of participating businesses and rules.
A free Christmas Movie, “The Grinch”, will be on Sunday, December 20 at 3:30 p.m. at the Ritz Theater. The movie is compliments of the Nicodemus Family. There will be a donation jar to help with next year’s Christmas Decorations.
If you have any questions or would like to help, please contact the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce at 864-3192.
Be sure to check out the Calendar of Events for activities happening throughout the Christmas Season
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