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Local 4-H members recognized for achievements

Saturday night 4-H members, parents and sponsors gathered to present the Achievement Night Awards for the 2019-2020 year.

Several first year members received recognition for submitting their first year record book, including Cooper Agar, Emma Dean, Riley Dean, CeJay Flinn, Cameron Martinez, Julie Needham, Hoyt Peil and Logan Stewart.

Silver member recognition is given to those who have exhibited what they have learned at some point in the year and have provided documentation of setting goals, knowledge or skills gained, and participated in a project.

Silver recognition went to Ava Dafoe, Logan Dafoe, Robert Dafoe, Cody Bomengen, CeJay Flinn, Jaxon Flinn, Dyllan Myers, Talyah Myers, Jonah Needham, Julie Needham, Seth Needham, Hayden Overfield, Logan Stewart, Kaycee Stothart and Taycie Werner.

Gold member recognition includes all off the silver criteria along with all the essential elements of positive youth development, recognition, leadership and community service.

Those recognized as gold members were Arin Adams, Remi Adams, Zoe Adams, Cooper Agar, Rylee Agar, Taylor Agar, Ann Allen, Emma Dean, Riley Dean, Eli Dickey, Luke Dickey, Seth Dickey, Silas Dickey, Tymber Eckley, Alec Martinez, Cameron Martinez, Hallie Martinez, Mac McCumber, Maile McCumber, Owen McCumber, Chase Moeller, Lauren Muench, Lexi Overfield, Bridger Peil, Hoyt Peil, Hannah Ward, James Ward, Will Ward, Ellis Webber and Soren Webber.

Archery awards were given to juniors Cameron Martinez (first), Hoyt Peil (second) and Alec Martinez (third); intermediates Bridger Peil (first) and Ellis Webber (second), and seniors Luke Dickey (first), Eli Dickey (second) and Owen McCumber (third).

In breeding beef, junior Hannah Ward placed first, intermediate Will Ward placed second with Rylee Agar in first, and Lexi Overfield placed first in the senior division.

Winners for Market Beef included juniors Hoyt Peil (first), Soren Webber (second) and Hannah Ward (third); intermediates Tymber Eckley (first), Bridger Peil (second) and Taylor Agar (third) as well as senior Chase Moeller (first).

Senior Hallie Martinez placed first in the cake decorating division.

Intermediate Remi Adams received first place in the dogs category.

With the foods and nutrition category, junior Alec Martinez placed first, Cameron Martinez second and Hannah Ward placed third. For intermediate, Maile McCumber garnered first. In the senior division Luke Dickey placed first, followed by Hallie Martinez in second.

Awards for goats went to junior Alec Martinez, first; intermediate Remi Adams, first and seniors Zoe Adams, first and Arin Adams, second.

Junior Emma Dean placed first in leather craft.

For the horses division intermediate Tymber Eckley placed first, Maile McCumber second and Remi Adams, third. For the seniors, Zoe Adams placed first, Lexi Overfield, second, and Arin Adams, third.

Senior Eli Dickey received first with muzzle loading.

In the pistol division Mac McCumber placed first in the junior division. He also placed first in poultry.

Alec Martinez was the first place winner in the junior division of quilting.

Emma Dean placed first in the junior rabbits division.

Intermediate Seth Dickey took first place honors in Robotics.

Under breeding sheep, junior Cooper Agar placed first, followed by Ann Allen in second place.

Winners for market sheep included juniors Alec Martinez (first), Cameron Martinez (second) and Silas Dickey (third); intermediate Tymber Eckley (first) and seniors Hallie Martinez (first) and Luke Dickey (second).

Senior division shotgun was won by Lexi Overfield.

The swine division was popular with junior Hoyt Peil placing first and Mac McCumber in second; intermediate Bridger Peil placed first and Remi Adams took second, while the senior division saw a first place tie between Arin and Zoe Adams, Chase Moeller placed second, and Owen McCumber placed third.

Owen McCumber also brought in a first place in the senior division for youth leadership.

Hallie Martinez was the winner of the Gwynn Sisters Award this year, presented to a 4-H member involved in combinations of home economics, gardening and/or agriculture types of projects. The award is typically presented to a 4-H'er who excels in home economic type projects and a variety of other projects for a well-rounded 4-H experience.

Bridger Peil was the winner of the Lucerne Valley Community Effort Award, given to honor the people of the Lucerne Valley who have contributed to the greater good of their community and county.

Another special award was received by Ann Allen, the Matt Blakesley Memorial award.

Remi Adams received the Don and Glenna Tippets Memorial Award, traditionally presented to a Hot Springs County 4-H member who has been active in community pride projects.

The Buchanan Family Memorial Award was presented to Arin Adams. The award is given to a member who enrolls in a variety of Ag projects, which can influence a holistic, self-sufficient outlook on their life for years to come.

One award they hope to never have to give is the Hard Luck Story award, acknowledging the unforeseen, unfortunate and unanticipated events that can, and do, occur in life, including the lives of 4-H members. Zoe Adams was this year's recipient.

Winners of the Central Bank and Trust Leadership Award were junior Cameron Martinez, intermediate (tie) Bridger Peil and Tymber Eckley, and senior, Hallie Martinez.

Best first year record book, Hoyt Peil; overall best junior record book, Cooper Agar; overall best intermediate record book, Tymber Eckley and best overall senior record book, Hallie Martinez.

Rate of gain awards, sponsored by the Hot Springs County Fairboard were given to Logann Farrell, James Ward and Hannah Ward in Market Beef; Chloee Owsley, Logan Dafoe and Kynzie Frederick in Market Sheep; Owen McCumber, Chloee Owsley and Jaxon Flinn in Market Swine, and Remi Adams, Arin Adams and Alec Martinez in Market Goat.

Honors Club is the ultimate achievement in 4-H, based on the principle of providing recognition for youth that maximize their opportunities to foster positive youth development elements of belonging, independence, generosity and mastery over their time as a member in the program.

This year's winners were Hallie Martinez, Owen McCumber, Lauren Muench and Lexi Overfield.

Friends of the NRA were honored this year as a Friend of 4-H, being instrumental in the 4-H program receiving some very generous grants which has enabled the shooting sports program to thrive.

4-H Leader of the Year honors went to Sadie Eckley.

"Sadie has given her time and efforts to our 4-H program since she returned to Hot Springs County," her presenter said. "This year she stepped into some really big shoes. She has taken on the role as Achievement Night Coordinator, and this is no small task. She's also our horse leader."


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