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Chamber keeps shortened hours

At the September Chamber of Commerce meeting, the board gave a second reading of their new bylaws and it was passed.

They also discussed the Chamber’s work for grant writing and grant making progress. Director Meri Ann Rush said that they are working on getting samples or procedures of grant writing proposals and see how other agencies do it. They want to clear up their understanding of the procedures and plan on having this done by the coming October meeting. They emphasized using the grants so that they can have money in reserves. 

Rush reported on their Google Analytics that their numbers are down due to COVID and not having more traffic. She also said that office hours will still be 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. and not the previous 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. hours. They will reevaluate their hours in the spring. But according to Rush, the current traffic doesn’t justify longer hours. The Chamber winter hours will begin October 1.

Rush said that the switch from Outlook to Gmail showed different calculations on how many emails she goes through per day. On average, the count is 60 to 90 emails. There is also less walk in traffic and phone calls. Regarding their website, Rush reported that people are researching the county before they come and many are looking for relocation packets. However, the house inventory is in short support even though there are lots of families moving into the area. People who are travelers are going to the county looking for relocation information. 

In old business, Rush discussed the Chamber Banquet set for October 3 with the theme “Mask-erade”.

On September 28 there will be a Meet the Candidate Forum at Thermopolis Middle School at 6:30 p.m. Federal, state and local candidates are invited.

Rush noted an interesting issue on the ballot, Pari-mutuel betting or horse betting. Rush found this subject interesting as other towns that allow it. She found that it generated $12 million in taxes on betting. This is not casino betting, however. Rush asked, “Why doesn’t Hot Springs County have it? It’s a way to generate revenue.”

Also on the ballot will be the Lodging Tax. Rush wants to educate voters that the Lodging Tax is not a tax on local residents, but it is a revenue generated tax on tourists who spend a night at local hotels or motels. The tourists will pay the tax, not the residents. 

No refreshments will be served at the forum and Rush recommends attendants wear a mask but they are not required. Hand sanitizer will be available. FFA students will emcee and be timers. There will be a few questions for candidates as well. Rush said that the main focus will be giving people the opportunity for the public to speak to candidates.  

In new business, the Chamber is preparing for Christmas events. On December 20 at 3:30 p.m. there will be the movie “The Grinch”. On December 14, there will be the Merry Christmas Market. They will also be decorating and lighting for the Christmas Parade, which will be held on December 4. 

The board also had two seats open up from some recent resignations. They received a letter from Amanda Krassauer who is on the hospital staff and didn’t have enough time for that and the Chamber. Also, Deb Tutor will be retiring and her position will effectively end in October.

The Chamber then made two board appointments. They were Falina Hill and Dood Jaussaud of Eagle RV Park. Jaussaud was previously a middle school representative for 2 years. Hill was at Gottsche for 10 years. 

Regarding Moonlight Madness, which will be on October 29, Rush said that they are moving forward and are looking forward to the costume judging. They are not doing big bags this year, only smaller bags. There will be 200 bags. Due to the COVID regulation the kids on stage must do social distancing. Their parents will be in the front area.

Howie Samelson reported for his work on the Main Street committee. Samelson said, “We’ve been doing hand sanitizing stations. More will be available soon.” He also noted their work at Farmers Market and that they are working on expanding the decorative lighting in the downtown area. Also, they are still working on facade grants with building owners. His report concluded saying that the decorative lights were damaged from the snowstorm the past week. It was not major. 

In Rush’s Director’s Report she talked about the Wyoming Working Together Regional Meeting Conference in the fall on October 6. Here many organizations are getting together, but it will not be the whole state, rather it will be from different regions. Rush received an email saying the organizers want to hold it in Thermopolis at the community hall. There will be the opportunity for businesses to donate door prizes. Chamber bucks will also be available. They anticipate about 30 people to attend and more by Zoom. 


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