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Two Republicans and one Democrat are seeking the District 28 State Representative position.
John Winter: Incumbent John Winter says he has enjoyed his time in Cheyenne and would really like to continue his job of representing this district. “I have learned a lot and hope to do a better job,” he said. Winter is a Trump supporter and a member of the NRA as well as the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association and Hot Springs County Farm Bureau.
Dave Bayert: Hailing from Basin, Bayert says God told him to run in this election. His platform is the Bible and firmly believes we are “One Nation under God”. He told the audience it was time to get all of the Marxist propaganda out of our schools and the Bible back in.
Levi Shinkle: A Thermopolis native, Shinkle is a proponent of keeping public lands, supporting everyone, regardless of irrelevant factors such as race, religion, gender, origin or income and being a leader in transitioning our economy into a more sustainable future. He believes it’s time for new voices, new ideas, and new approaches to make sure the Wyoming we pass on to our children is one we can be proud of.
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