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HSCSD grant planning

Hot Springs County School District #1 (HSCSD#1) hosted a stakeholders meeting to discuss the various grants the district receives and how they are used. Nichole Ciz, Grant Coordinator for the district led the meeting.

As a parent, you may always request information about the qualifications of your student’s teacher, including their education.

When it comes to student confidentiality, Ciz said HSCSD#1 is in full compliance with the safeguarding of student information. They are not able to give out confidential information on students to anyone other than a parent or legal guardian.

HSCSD#1 is also part of Safe and Drug Free Schools.

Part of the Safe and Drug Free Schools program is having a crisis plan in place, regular practicing of fire drills, a student and district wellness policy in place and assistance for students who are homeless.

Through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, HSCSD#1 may offer help to those students who lack a regular, fixed and adequate nighttime residence, are sharing housing due to economic struggles, are sleeping in cars or other non-designated areas, live in a shelter, hotel or motel, have been abandoned or are awaiting foster care placement.

Ciz said with the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a good chance the district may see more students in need of assistance this year.

Another grant the district receives is the Title IA – At Risk Reading and Math grant, which is mostly used in the elementary grades. This grant may be used for any kind of materials that may be needed.

Title IIA, Professional Development Grant, is used at the middle and high schools for staff development, dropout prevention, secondary reading and math, recruitment and technology integration.

Title IVA is also a Professional Development Grant that supports the effective use of technology, supports safe and healthy students and provides a well-rounded education that includes academics and STEM. Ciz said this is a relatively new grant for the district, having received it just in the past two years.

Special Education is also on the grant list with IDEA 611.

This grant specifically supports staff training, specialized equipment needs, specialized programs for students and early intervention programs.

When it comes to early intervention help, IDEA 619 is the grant that is used. This grand supports screening for preschool age students, supports the kinder camp summer program and preschool.

Lights On is funded through a special K-12 academic enrichment grant, the 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant. This is a competitive federal grant that helps not only with the after school program but additional services throughout the school year.

Part of the goals of the grant is to establish community learning centers that help students in high-poverty, low-performing schools meet academic achievement standards, engage families through various programming activities and enrichment activities for students.

HSCSD#1 also receives the Perkins Grant which focuses on learning the skills needed for high wage, high demand jobs by providing hands on opportunities for students.

If you have any questions about grants the district receives or if you know of a student that may meet the criteria for assistance from the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Grant, please call Ciz at 864-6575.


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