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Demolition Derby security discussed

During the July 21 Thermopolois Town Council meeting, Danielle Yarrington of Elle’s Restaurant & Bar requested permission to have tables on the sidewalk on 6th Street in the shade of the awning.

There was some confusion at first of whose jurisdiction the request came under. Yarrington said she had already spoke to WYDOT, but they recommended that she speak with Town Council.

After some discussion, the council voted to approve Yarrington’s request to have tables outside as long as they meet the COVID guidelines. They should be 10 feet apart with wheelchair access and not impede traffic on the sidewalk. No alcohol can be served to customers outside. 

Council member Tony Larson brought up his concerns regarding the condition of the Thermopolis Golf Course. He said the grounds looked “pitiful” and “sad.” Larson said that they have not received any financial report from the golf course board for months and wondered if they needed to take over the golf course board themselves. Larson said that the golf course board has not taken care of the course. Mayor Mike Chimenti suggested that they call them in for a meeting to hold them accountable. The matter is pending.

In her report, Police Chief Julie Mathews brought up an issue regarding providing security for the Demolition Derby. Bradyn Harvey made a request to have security for the event. Mathews was concerned if there was enough money in the overtime budget to pay for the officers to provide the security.

One particular point was that in the past the police would have a presence in similar events, but the event holders were a non-profit organization, such as the Chamber of Commerce.

Mathews said that she thinks the Demolition Derby is for profit, even though Harvey has stated he will probably lose money with this event. It was mentioned in the council meeting that Harvey has invited the local Mason’s chapter to take tickets at the gate and there will be a donation box for the Masons to remodel their lodge.

Town Attorney Mike Messenger said they could contact the Secretary of State for understanding the proper definition of a non-profit organization. Council member Larson said that he sees no difference in this event or other events because public safety is the issue, not necessarily whether the event holders are non-profit or not. Mathews said if they provided a security presence, there would need to be at least two officers for the event. After further discussion, the council voted to approve providing at least two police officers to be at the demolition derby and provide security. 


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