Will there be a high school football season? What about golf or volleyball season? Well, these questions have been answered through the Wyoming High School Activities Association (WHSAA) SMART Start Guide for fall sports.
The guide gives the district insight on how to allow students to participate in extracurricular activities while lowering the risk of contracting COVID-19.
The school district plan for fall sports and activities was a collaborative effort between Dr. Vern Miller, the school board, superintendent, principals from all three buildings, the school nurse and Activities Director, Brandon Deromedi.
Just as the guide for starting classes this fall, the SMART guide includes three tiers.
Tier I is the start of athletics and activities the same as usual with some added requirements such as social distancing, health screenings (temperature), sanitation measures and the utilization of locker rooms without congregation of athletes in one spot.
If we must move to Tier II, the continuation of school activities will be determined by local health professionals. A positive COVID-19 student on a team or in an activity will also mean review by health professionals along with the activity department.
That would mean a move to Tier III, complete closure of school, would also mean the end of athletics and activities through that time period.
There are also requirements for spectators at both home and away games.
Attendance will be determined by total seating in each venue and by recommendations from WHSAA, the Wyoming Department of Education and local health officials.
Attendees must screen themselves and remain in their seats unless using a restroom or concession stand. Warnings will be given to spectators simply roaming around. Masks are encouraged in some circumstances.
The band will play on, however they will be seated in a section that allows social distancing among members.
Concessions will be available, too, but pre-packaged items will be the only things available.
For away games athletes will be screened by coaches prior to loading the bus, riders must wear a mask when six feet of social distancing cannot be maintained and a support vehicle will accompany the team in the event of a positive COVID case on the road.
If a positive case were to pop up, the support vehicle will keep the student away from others on the bus. Parents will be required to pick their child up as soon as possible.
When it comes to overnight trips, teams staying at hotels will have no more than two students per room unless they are from the same household.
A complete listing of the requirements for middle school and high school sports and activity participants is available on the district website, hotsprings1.org, under the activities tab.
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