Activities Director for the Hot Springs County School District, Brandon Deromedi, presented the district’s plan for summer workouts for fall sports last week, including weight room and open gym plans.
Deromedi and the district proposed their plan to the State Department of Health and are waiting for final approval on some items.
Having received permission to begin phase one, starting June 1, the weight room will be opening following recommended guidelines.
There will be a maximum of 16 athletes allowed in the weight room at the high school and a maximum of 10 at the middle school. Those numbers are based on the square footage of each weight room.
Wellness screenings, including temperature, will be done before each session and there will be hand sanitizing and hand washing stations. Social distancing will be enforced and where it is not possible, spotting on weight equipment for example, face coverings will be required.
There will also be sign ins each day in the event tracing needs done and the locker rooms will be closed.
Times for the weight room at the high school will be Mondays through Thursdays from 6:30-8:00 a.m., 7:00-8:30 a.m. and 7:30-9:00 a.m. At the middle school the weight room will be available Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00-9:30 a.m.
The second phase, which Deromedi hopes will be in place by June 15, will be holding open gyms.
There will be no sharing of equipment, balls, etc., no close contact groups and face coverings will be required if social distancing cannot be maintained. The same wellness screenings will be done for open gym.
June 29 is the projected date for opening camps if they are allowed by the WHSAA.
Deromedi said there may be some cross-over with camps, for instance, basketball camps may run at the same time as a football camp, but at this point it is out of the district’s hands, so athletes may have to choose between one or the other.
Deromedi pointed out that each sport is unique, and athletes and parents must understand they may not be equal this year. Cross country and golf are easier to maintain that social distancing part of the program whereas volleyball and football are more difficult.
Golf is scheduled to begin August 10, while high school and middle school cross country, volleyball and football are scheduled to begin August 17.
Athletes are encouraged to check their emails often for updates on schedules and times for the various openings.
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