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That's love

by Jill Kruse, DO

When my mom called me and said that my dad found four N95 masks in the garage and she wanted to send them all to me since I’m a doctor – That’s love.

When I reassured her that we had enough in clinic for now and that she should keep them, or at least keep two for her and dad – That’s love.

When I received the box in the mail, all four masks were there, lovingly wrapped in tissue paper with a note of encouragement – That’s love.

When I come home from work my children run to the top of the stairs yelling out, “Mommy’s home” – That’s love.

When I stop them from coming down to the landing until I can shower and change in the downstairs bathroom because I am scared that I might bring the virus home and I want to do everything I can to protect them – That’s love.

When a patient sends a message to local health care workers that they are thinking of us and praying that we stay well – That’s love.

When essential workers in any profession, show up to support their families and co-workers every day – That’s love.

When the local theater department makes masks for the hospital and uses it as a final project for students – That’s love.

When you order a take-out meal from a local restaurant or buy a gift card from a local small business – That’s love.

When you turn off the news and call a friend instead so neither of you are so lonely – That’s love.

When you practice social distancing, not because you are afraid, but because you do not want to add to anyone else’s risk – That’s love.

When teachers completely change the way they teach, with only a few days to prepare, and their eyes light up with happiness when they see their students on a Zoom meeting – That’s love.

When you are frustrated, angry, scared, or just don’t know what else to do, look for the love. It is all around you. Sometimes we do not see it because we are so overwhelmed with all these other waves of emotions that try to drown it out, but it is there. It is always there. That’s love, waiting for you to find it.

Jill Kruse, DO is part of The Prairie Doc® team of physicians and currently practices family medicine in Brookings, South Dakota. For free and easy access to the entire Prairie Doc® library, visit and follow Prairie Doc® on Facebook, featuring On Call with the Prairie Doc® a medical Q&A show streamed most Thursdays at 7 p.m. central.


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