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On the Record

On the Record policy

It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest.

Sheriff’s Office

Monday, April 13

4:52 p.m. KC V. Lahoe, 29, was arrested for the alleged use of a controlled substance. He tested positive for meth in a urine analysis.  

11:46 p.m. Request for extra patrol at a business south of town throughout the night for safety concerns. There was a report of a vehicle driving in and out of their parking lot. The vehicle did not have any business being there. 

Saturday, April 18

2 p.m. Report of a vehicle broken down at mile marker 120 on Highway 20 South. Caller advised that a female was walking on the road. Deputy went to the location and found nothing. They were unable to locate the subject.

7:39 p.m. Dispatch received a 9-1-1 call that got cut off. The location described was mile marker 135 on Highway 20 North. A deputy went out to see if there was an issue and found a vehicle in the ditch. The driver said he was stuck because the power steering went out. There was no damage to the vehicle. A friend helped get the vehicle out. There was no further action needed by the deputy.

Police Department

Monday, April 13

7:28 p.m. Report of fraud because an individual wrote a check with too many zeros and a person cashed it. Subjects got it straightened out at the bank for the right amount. It was determined to be an oversight and not intentional.

Tuesday, April 14

7:34 a.m. A subject accidentally hit their Life Alert and an officer responded but couldn’t make contact. The officer went inside through a window and found the person was fine.

11:23 a.m. Report of individuals concerned about a juvenile in the community. Officer referred them to DFS.

7:08 p.m. Report of a vehicle fire in a parking lot. The fire department and an officer arrived but the fire was put out prior to arriving.

8:25 p.m. Report of someone cutting through the backyard. Officer told the subject to use the sidewalk.

10:43 p.m. Report of someone outside a residence with a flashlight. Officer found the subject and was told he was looking for a piece of property that was lost. The property was not found.

Wednesday, April 15

4:36 p.m. Report that someone’s personal property was left at a residence. The officer assisted the subject in getting their belongings back.

8:06 p.m. Officer assisted the ambulance in the transport of a patient to the hospital.

Thursday, April 16

4:50 a.m. Report of a domestic noise issue. Officer arrived and one party had left the scene.

12:52 p.m. Report of a subject that got into a vehicle and was given a ride to a local business. The subject got out and discovered they left a wallet in the vehicle. The officer could not locate the vehicle or the people in it. The driver was not a local person.

2:41 p.m. Report of a subject being scammed in another jurisdiction. Officer advised the subject to contact the original jurisdiction.

5:23 p.m. An officer assisted an elderly male who couldn’t get his truck started. Officer got it working.

8:09 p.m. Report of someone yelling in the area. Officers located the subject and found he was calling for his dogs to come home.

Friday, April 17

8:22 a.m. Officer provided a civil standby for a couple who broke up and parted ways. Officer assisted in getting property returned and keeping the peace.

11:24 a.m. James Ray Andrews, 34, was arrested on two counts of the alleged use of a controlled substance and cited for the alleged possession of the stolen property. 

2:00 p.m. Report of a subject who received a book of checks that had the correct address and phone number, but the wrong name. The officer determined it might be a printing issue with the bank.

2:47 p.m. A 40-year-old female was cited for being under the influence of a controlled substance. 

3:12 p.m. Officer provided a civil standby conducted outside the law enforcement center. Items were exchanged between parties and they went their separate ways.

8:44 p.m. Officer assisted the ambulance in the transport of a patient to the hospital.

Sunday, April 19

7:43 a.m. Deanna Sue Morgan, 32 and Misty S Tovey, 45, were arrested for the alleged use of a controlled substance and also for alleged conspiracy charges, accessory after the fact and criminal entry.

2:11 p.m. Skyler T. McClure, 27, was picked up in Natrona County on a warrant arrest for alleged probation revocation.

Property Transfers

Warranty deed, George W. Basse to James Michael Byrd and Bobbie Jean Byrd, a tract of land located in the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4), Section 33, Township 44 North, Range 94 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hot Springs County.

Warranty deed, Colleen M. Andretti to Patrick E. Johnson and Karen A. Johnson, a parcel of land being the remnant portion of a tract of land situated in the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W1/2NE1/4), the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE1/4NW1/4) and Lots 4 and 8, Section 17, Township 43 North, Range 94 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hot Springs County.

Warranty deed, Beverly Shumway and Patricia L. Bright to Marilyn Garside, All of Lot 5, Section 13, Township 43 North, Range 96 West, 6th P.M., Hot Springs County.

Warranty deed, Marilyn Garside to Beverly Shumway, All of Lot 5, Section 13, Township 43 North, Range 96 West, 6th P.M., Hot Springs County.

Warranty deed, Maynard A. Bills, Jr. and Sandra Bills to Paul Bryant Bills, Lot Eight (8), Jacob’s Addition to the Town of Thermopolis, Hot Springs County.


Krueger, Keri Ann and Cox, Shayna Renee 4/17/2020


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