Many in Thermopolis have been wondering what is going to happen the middle of May when the Class of 2020 is supposed to cross the stage from high school to adulthood with the pandemic we are facing world wide.
As of Monday, schools are still under orders to have schools closed through April 30, but the district does have alternate plans in place if the closure extends through the end of the school year.
“Our Class of 2020 seniors will have the most memorable graduation in 100 years,” said high school principal Breez Daniels. “This is the 100th Commencement at Hot Springs County High School, an important milestone for our community.”
Daniels said the seniors voted to have a Senior Parade of Cars – one car per senior with their immediate family in the car with them.
Seniors would line up in alphabetical order by last name on Senior Avenue, the same lineup place as the homecoming parade. The parade would start at 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 17.
The parade would include an extended parade route through town, approved by the town council with a police car in the lead.
They would pass the VFW before taking a right onto Broadway, left at the stoplight, down Sixth Street to McDonalds, right on Shoshoni Street to Canyon Hills Road where they will then turn right on 14th Street past the fire hall to Broadway. The parade would then turn right on Broadway to the stoplights, then left onto Sixth Street onto Park Street to the High School parking lot.
They would then drive through the parking lot to the Bobcat and receive their diploma, scholarships and awards at the Bobcat from a school official.
Daniels said the seniors will be encouraged to decorate vehicles in “float style” and celebrate with their family and community as they parade through town.
Each family can use a vehicle of their choice, including golf carts, pickups with the senior in the back, Jeeps, side by sides, the family car, almost anything goes.
After the parade of seniors, a graduation video will be made public via the district’s website and social media.
The graduation video will include commencement speakers, including the co-valedictorians and salutatorian and each graduate in their cap and gown.
The video will be made public via our school website and social media so all community members and family from all over can enjoy it in the afternoon of May 17.
The school district is also working on live streaming the seniors receiving their diplomas at the Bobcat in front of the school. They are hoping that event can be made public as well for the families of the graduates to watch from home.
Senior Awards and
Scholarship Night
The district will be releasing a formal list of names and awards at 6:30 p.m., May 12, via school email to all seniors.
This will allow families the opportunity to receive the news together and have individual celebrations.
The awards and scholarships will also be released to the public at 7 p.m. that same evening via the school website and social media. The actual awards will be given to the seniors at commencement, May 17.
“My sincere hope is that despite the disappointment of the loss of fun and special events this spring, each senior family is making some special memories along the way,” Daniels said. “The true celebration will be making it through until summer, with all of our Hot Springs County families in good health, that will be an extra reason to celebrate.”
In the meantime, if you happen to be out driving around, keep an eye out for photos of the seniors on flags and banners that will be popping up around town.
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