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Help Center provides needed services

Like all of us, the Help Center at Common Ground has had to adapt to the emergence of COVID-19.

“We are still providing our usual services,” said coordinator Ron Philips. “We just work on a ‘by appointment’ basis. We take all possible precautions to prevent the spread of the virus.”

Help Center services include free boxes of food, assistance with utility bills, rent and other needs, as well as free FAXing, copying and internet access.

“GED tutoring and testing have been put on hold until electronic means have been developed to resume classes and connect with Central Wyoming College’s testing center,” said Philips.

“We encourage anyone who needs our services to call us and make an appointment. We can be reached at 921-9984.”

The Help Center is supported by funding from the Foundation for the Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming and the Salvation Army. The Center also partners with the Yellowstone Country Assistance Network (YCAN).


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