Shelley Deromedi was inspired by the Little Free Library's worldwide phenomenon and made her own for her front yard.
It was a free exchange of books for whomever. Deromedi and her family built it in memory of her daughter Jennifer, who passed away in 1998.
Now with the COVID-19 pandemic, Deromedi removed the books and converted her front yard Little Library into a pantry food exchange so she could make room for foods for the needy.
Deromedi said, "When the COVID started, people were off work and home from school. We put some food in there in case they need it. Such as spaghetti sauce and noodles, homemade bread, even toilet paper."
Deromedi stocked it from her pantry with soup, rice and noodles and a variety of other foods. She said, "We add more when it's low. We are also putting books and puzzles back in. Just stop by and open the door and take what you want or leave some food."
Neighbors have pitched in additional food, and it has been a community effort. The Little Free Pantry/Library is located at 1334 Johnson, 14th Street and Johnson, near Candy Jack Park and the Fire Hall.
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