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Senior center closed due to vulnerability levels

According to a press release from the Hot Springs County Senior Citizens Center director Trenda Moore, those who frequent the center are the most vulnerable population to this virus.

Therefore, it has been strongly recommended they stop the attendance at the center and not endanger any of those who use the center. To that end, the center will be closed for all activities and congregate meals until further notice.

Moore said they will be doing any and all home delivered meals and anyone desiring a meal daily may pick one up each day. You are asked to please call the center daily before 10 a.m. if you wish to have a meal delivered or to pick one up at the center.

If you are ill and have a homemaker from the center, please let them know for her not to come.

Bus service will continue, but only for necessary trips and there will be no out of town trips until further notice.

“Please know we are in constant contact with phone calls and emails with other centers, the State of Wyoming Department of Health and our local public health and medical community,” Moore said. “We will advise of any changes as they happen.


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