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John Winter gives Legislative update

The 2020 Legislative Budget Session for Wyoming has commenced and Representative John Winter said, “It is an amazing process and I am honored to represent the citizens of House District 28 for the State of Wyoming.”

Winter provided a brief update and partial summary of the developments in the early stages of the budget session.

HB35, Wolf Depredation Compensation, “was killed at introduction,” Winter said, “but we are still looking at options. I think the bill is important for livestock producers because the wolf was introduced illegally by the federal government and the management and cost have been left to the state.

“The impacts on landowners is financially devastating in these areas where the wolf is so prevalent.”

HB33, Agricultural Land Qualification, failed upon introduction.

“This bill would have required land operators, landowner or lessee, prove agricultural income of $3,000 from the marketing of agricultural products to receive the agricultural land qualification and status,” Winter said. “The bill had nothing to do with the land itself, but based on what the rancher or farmer could produce on his entire operation.”

HB75, Medicaid Expansion Authorization, failed upon introduction as well.

Winter said, “This would have expanded the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for non-disabled, childless adults at an uncertainly estimated cost to the State of $11 million to $26 million within an initial appropriation of $18 million for the biennium for a relatively small number of recipients with the potential of further expansion in numbers and cost.”

HB197, the Abortion 48 hour waiting period bill passed for introduction and has been referred to committee as has HB188, the Repeal Gun Free Zones and Preemption Amendments 2.

SF88, failed introduction.

Both of these bills relate to concealed weapons and gun free zones. “This may not come before the house again for various reasons,” Winter said.

Attempts to reach District 20 Senator Wyatt Agar where unanswered at press time.


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