The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Thermopolis are already working on a couple activities for December.
This year there will be a Christmas Parade in Friday, Dec. 13 during the Second Friday ArtStroll. Entries will be taken until Dec. 11.
Line up will be at 5:30 p.m. with the parade beginning at 6 p.m.. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be at Hazel n Pearls for photos.
A window decorating contest will be starting Dec. 12. Those who wish to participate can contact Main Street Secretary Tracy Linko at 921-3821, or Chamber Executive Director Meri Ann Rush at 864-3192 or 921-8464.
This is the third year for the contest, and voting can be done Dec. 12-18 via the Chamber of Commerce or Main Street Facebook pages, or at the chamber office.
The winner of the contest will be announced Dec. 19, at the Chamber Meet and Greet at Pinnacle Bank, and will receive $100 in Chamber Bucks.
The chamber is also seeking participating businesses for the Merry Christmas Market on Dec. 16. During the event, shoppers can go to any of the businesses and get a Bingo game card. By making purchases at the businesses on the card, people get those spaces marked off.
Those who are able to get a Bingo drop their cards at whatever businesses they’re at. Rush will go to the businesses and collect cards with Bingos, then draw one at random for the winner. She noted that, in addition to the traditional basket of items from participating businesses, this year the winner will also received $500 in Chamber Bucks donated by the Thermopolis Independent Record.
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