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Kindergartners give out turkey preparation advice

Ralph Witters Elementary kindergartners were asked how to prepare a turkey for Thanksgiving.

The advice given below is best not followed but should bring laughter to your table.

Take the feathers off. Take the skin off. And Take the head off. Put it on a big pan and you put it in the oven for 50 minutes. Baylee Bears

Put it in the stove. Eat it. Eat it on Thanksgiving. Laney Cornella

First get a turkey at the store. After you get it, put it in the oven. Then put some stuffing in it. Put some toppings on it like vegetables and carrots. Make sure it’s perfect and ready. Then make cook it and it’s ready to eat for Thanksgiving. Jenny Deromedi

I would get it frozen, I would put it in the oven. It cooks for 20 minutes, I put some ketchup on it. While it cooks I set up the table for Thanksgiving. I eat it with my parents, grandma and grandpa and my cousins, and aunt Kristen and uncle Matt. Gabriella Hetzel

Kill it and pick the feather off, my dad with rip it until the blood is out. Then cook it on a flat round thingy. Put salt on it and cook it for 50 hours. Then eat it with a fork. I would have rice with it. It is my favorite thing to eat, I keep telling my mom and dad that. Lillyana Reed

Catch a turkey cut off its head. Then you chop it up. Then you cook it for one minute, with water and with salt and then cook it. Then you wait a little bit to serve it and eat it. You eat it with rice and also fish and also eat meat and more rice. Khloe Simpson

Put it in the oven and cook it. With salt. Nothing else. Dessaray Taylor

Cook it in the oven for 20 minutes. I would put butter on top of it. Eat it with a fork. Roxy White

Mommy and Daddy cook it. Eat it with my dad, turkey will go away. Dargo Dietz

You take it the wings off, and the skin off then you cook it. You cook it in the microwave for 6 minutes. You eat it with a fork. Kade Enis

You cook it in the oven. You put toppings on it. Cook it for 10 minutes. Ben Farrell

Cook on the stove for 10 min then eat it. Bradley Gaball

You cook it in the oven, set it for 50 second and I would put nothing on it. I will try it with butter and some seasoning on it. Potatoes and pizza and corndogs we will eat with it. I will eat it with my family. We will also drink Gatorade. Bain Lahoe

Cook it on the stove. Cut it up. Eat it! Fletcher Lewis

I would put a turkey in a pot and when it is ready I will get the biggest plate we have and put it on the table with peppermint and salt. It takes 60 minutes to cook. I will put everything we have with it out.  I will eat it with salt, tomatoes, carrots, beans and potatoes. Gage McCumber

You get a pan. Take it out with a hot pad. Cut it. Eat it! Micah Moon

You put it in the oven for 2 minutes! Zaiden Ralston

Put it in the oven. Put it in there for 6 minutes I think? Put it in the middle of the table and then you stuff it with whatever you want. Cut it and put it on your plate and everybody elses plate. Then you eat it. Brooklyn Llabres

Put it in the oven. Put it in for like 10 seconds or a little bit. Mya Anderson

Put it in the oven. Cook it. Then you eat it. Morgan Blakesley

I would cook a turkey wash it, I would let a tiny  bit of better melt in the pan. I would put oil in the pan and cook it. When it is cooked I will put salt and pepper on it.  It would cook for eight minutes. Mom cooks it for eight minutes and it is so good, it is delicious. I would eat mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and cooked potatoes. I would have orange juice for the drink. I would love that all together. My brother likes cooked potatoes, my sister likes mashed potatoes and I like sweet potatoes so that is why we cook all three. Cali Colburn

You put it in an oven and set a timer for maybe ten minutes. You eat it when it is done with a fork and knife. And we are going to eat some cheeseburgers with it. Nova Kurdowski 

Cook it in the oven. Set the table up. Eat it. Have mashed potatoes with it and you have cake with it! Sonnie Anne Lewis

You cook a turkey at 50 degrees or a different degrees and then you put it in the oven.  But first you have to break it’s head off. Then you eat it! Amilia McCormick

Cook it in the oven, you burn it. Put french fries and cookies. I eat it with ranch and ketchup. It cooks for 20 seconds, it takes a long time. Avery McMartin

Shoot it. Then you put it in the oven and then you cook it. Then you eat it! Karlee Messenger

Put it in the oven. Leave it in there for how many long until it’s done cooking. When it’s done you can put it out and put it on the table. Willow Mortson

Put it in the oven. Turn the oven on. Put it on the timer. Pull it out. Then sometimes you put salt on it or dip the turkey in sauce. Then you eat it I think! Gunther Bihr

I will cook it on the stove in a pot with salt in it for 15 minutes. When it is done cooking chop it up and put it on a plate. I will eat it with stuffing. Thats all. Andy Bledsoe

Put it in the oven. Cook it for 10 minutes. Take it out and set it on the table. Put out napkins. Put out forks and spoons. Eat It! Myles Cox

How you cook a turkey? Put it in the oven for 4 seconds. Take it out on 4 seconds. It’s ready and then you just eat it. Mason Dykes

We cook it first then we put stuff on it. It cooks in the oven for 16 minutes. We will eat pancakes with it. Kashtyn Flinn

Put it in the oven. Put salt on it. Put pepper on it. Add vegetables. Put butter on it. Cook it for 1 minute. Eat it! Archer Jenks

First you find a turkey and you have a gun then shoot it. Then take it home and put it in the oven you take it out and then you eat it. You have to cook it for 3 hours. Eat it with mashed potatoes. Gentry Kimes

Set it in the oven for 10 minutes. Put it on plates. Eat it. Zeke Needham

You put it on a pan so nothing gets on the oven. You cook it for 46 minutes, and then when its done you put it out and put it on the table or counter, so it cools down. Also when you are eating it you can have ice cream and cookies. On the turkey you put salt you could put mashed potatoes with it. You can put pepper on it also. Emerie Borders

I would make it like with chicken and noodles. I would put it in a pot. It cooks for 70 minutes. Cali Culp

First you chop off the head and pluck all the wings off. Pick all the leaves off. Then you take all the skin off. Then you put it in the oven like for 5 minutes or 6 hours. Then when it’s done, you eat it for Thanksgiving! Serenity Harvey

First you cut it’s head off. Then you put it in the oven. Then you stuff it and then you eat it! Mackenzie Jones

Put it on the oven. And you cut it. And you bake it. And you cut it. And you eat it. Keyra Landon

Wash it first, and then cut its head off and have it in a pot. Cook it in the oven for ten minutes. Put salsa on it. Eat it with pie and strawberries. Jaylee Larson

Get a turkey. Carve the feathers off. Put it in the oven. Wait until 20 seconds and then it’s done. Get it out and put it on the table. Hayden Robinson

Cut the head off and then get the skin off. Then you cook it and eat it. Piper Rossler

You put it on a pan and cook it. Put it in the oven. Put spicy stuff on it. You cook it for five minutes. Eat it with how about gravy and cookies. Paola Whiting-Ocon

I would go out and hunt a turkey then take all its skin off. I would put it in the oven for 10 min. James Asay

Put it in the oven for like 15 minutes. Take it out. Put some salt on it. Put a little bit of pepper on it. Then I would eat it. Joshua Blair

Put the skin off. Cook it with a microwave. Put salt on it. Cook it again. Put seasoning on it. Then you shred it. Wyatt Brosius

Cook it in the oven and eat it. You cut it up. Eat it with chicken. Blake Morsette

Put it in the oven and cut it up after it was in the oven. Put salt on it. Eat it with cheese pizza. Aksel Polson

Put it in the oven with a cookie sheet. Microwave it for 9 minutes. Then take it out and eat it! Archer Price

You put toppings on and roast beef. Put it in a pan. Then put it in the oven. Cook it for 2 hours. Gabriel Ryan

Put it for 80 degrees. Wait until it’s done and then you eat it! Tristan Steadman


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