Eleven music students from Hot Springs County High School attended the North Big Horn Honor Ensemble at North West College in Powell over the weekend.
Faculty from the college worked with the students for two days before a final concert, a mixture of band students from all over the Basin as well as a choir comprised of a variety of students as well.
Bobcat senior, Taydee Landrum, was part of the choir.
“I thought the whole experience was pretty great,” Landrum said. “It was sad knowing it was my last time doing it because I am a senior this year. I really appreciated Mr. Brown giving me the opportunity to go.
“While we were there we worked on four pieces of music. All were somewhat difficult pieces, but they were interesting to work on. Our director was one of the professors at NWC, Dr. Lara Moline. She was an incredible person who was very passionate about our work there.
“She taught us some good stretches to warm up our bodies, ears and voices. We did many vocal exercises that really helped our voices warm up and succeed with what we needed to do.
“Overall, I believe it was a great experience and I learned a lot from Dr. Moline and I appreciate the opportunity to go my final year of high school.”
Another senior, Ashley Brawley, was also part of the choir.
“There weren’t as many choir kids this year as there were when I was in the choir during my sophomore year. I only know that because we actually fit on the risers with a little space to spare this time around.
“We rehearsed four songs all day long and then rushed home to make it back in time for the closing night of our Fall Drama Showcase. On Saturday we got up and went back to rehearse for a little while before our concert at 2:30.
“Our performances were a lot of fun, and I think that we were all exposed to at least something new and challenging. I think that we performed well. The audience and the band, who was waiting for their turn in the audience, seemed to think so anyway.
“I had a ton of fun this year. It’s a little weird for me to think that I might not be doing any clinics next year, but I’m glad for the experience that I got to have this year.”
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