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Bobcat robotics host 20 teams at scrimmage

Bobcat Robotics hosted 20 teams from around the state and over 120 students for the Thermop Throwdown scrimmage Nov. 16. Nearly every team in the state was represented.

All teams were able to compete in five matches each and they had a chance to test out and refine their robot designs and programming.

Bobcat teams made progress on their robot designs and coding.

Teams were able to go through mock judging that will be similar to the judging and interviews they experience at state tournaments and other competitions.

"They spent time describing and explaining their designs and engineering decisions through the use of the engineering journals which they use to document their daily progress and challenges," said coach London Jenks. 

Bobcat teams traveled to a qualifying tournament in Butte, Mont. last weekend and will have the Montana State Championship in January and the Wyoming State Championship in February.

"We are still working on fundraising, sponsorships, and community outreach," said Jenks. 


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