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County attorney requests special prosecutor

Hot Springs County Clerk, Rose DeSeyn recently attended a training for election cybersecurity in Casper and reported back to the county commissioners at Tuesday’s meeting. DeSeyn said she walked away from the training with a lot of good information including the thought that we need to get over “what if” and concentrate on “when” it will happen. With a presidential election coming next year, a statewide committee is working on upping the security protocols for elections and DeSeyn is now on that committee. The state has set aside money to take care of any security issues the county may have to take care of before the election. DeSeyn said she has already taken some steps toward higher security by replacing the door and lock on the room where the voting machines are held as well as installing cameras in the area. The commissioners gave their approval for John and Jane Jeffs’ recent request for a variance of a road easement, a land use change and preliminary subdivision plat to establish one six-acre lot with a remaining 56-acre property. What they are asking to do is a simple one-lot subdivision of about six-acres which contains their residence. They plan to move an existing guest cabin onto the remaining 56-acres and make that their personal residence instead. There is also a two-story residence being built by their son on the larger acreage. Because changing to the residential land use category is an automatic part of the subdivision process when lots are smaller than 35-acres, the change will apply to the six-acre lot but not to the remaining 56-acres. The planning commission had accepted the request and moved it to the commissioners in late October. With approval from the commissioners, the Jeffs can now move forward with their plans. Hot Springs County Attorney Jill Logan made a request to the commissioners for the appointment of a special prosecutor in the case of the State of Wyoming v. Ronald Hoffman, as a conflict has arisen that could be viewed as impropriety. Fremont County and Prosecuting Attorney, Patrick LeBrun and a Fremont County and Prosecuting Deputy Attorney will be assigned to assume the duties of Special Prosecutor for this case as the commissioners voted unanimously for the appointment.


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