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Livestock judging team does well at NILE

Hot Springs County's 4-H Livestock Judging team competed at the Northern International Livestock Exposition (NILE) in Billings, Mont. and came away as the Champion Junior 4-H Livestock Judging Team.

Team members are Rylee Agar, Taylor Agar, Tymber Eckley, Maile Mae McCumber and Hayden Overfield, and are coached by Joey Johnson, 4-H Educator for Hot Springs County.

The team judged 10 classes of livestock including cattle, sheep, swine and goats and gave three sets of oral reasons during the contest.

McCumber placed fifth in sheep judging, Rylee Agar placed fourth in swine judging, and McCumber was fifth overall high individual in the contest. Rylee Agar placed eighth high individual overall in the contest.

Johnson noted that all 5 contestants were very consistent in their placings as only 20 points separated them in their overall drop and he was very pleased with their performance.

"The team has been working hard at learning to evaluate all livestock and it was nice to see their hard work and determination pay off," he said. "The NILE is typically one of the largest judging contests in the country and there are well over 200 youth in all age divisions that compete from as far away as Oregon.

"This group of young 4-H members have excellent work ethic. They are willing to practice for several hours when we have a practice and always come with the mindset to be positive and learn. I'm continually impressed with their passion for Livestock Judging and I look for many great things to come from this young and talented group of 4-H members from Hot Springs County."


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