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Enjoy it while it lasts

“The sky’s blue again!” These were the excited words of my boys as they headed out to the car Wednesday morning. And, yes, there was one small patch of blue up there in the gray but it was enough to brighten the morning.

The past week has seen plenty of gray above our heads — a sure sign that our summer days are over — and those brief glimpses of blue and full-on sunshine are something to treasure.

The gray sky and temperature drops don’t mean an end to the fun outdoor activities we’ve been enjoying the past few months, but it does require a bit more bundling up. And at least it’s not yet come to full the full on white flakes that always show up too soon every year.

But there’s also something to be said of just keeping indoors during the cold spells, wrapped up in a blanket with a movie, binge-worthy show, board game or book. These are also moments to enjoy when they come. It gives us time to just enjoy the time, before the craziness of the holidays kicks in and we wonder just how we got to 2020 so quickly.

So for the moments — both warm and cold — take the time to enjoy. And if you happen to spot a patch of blue when you look out the window, get out there and take advantage of it. But be sure to bring a coat.


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