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Ralph Witters Elementary PTO elects officers

The Ralph Witters Elementary Parent Teacher Organization conducted its first meeting of the 2019-20 school year on Sept. 5, during which officers were elected. Officers for the year are: President Amber Cox, Vice President Jackie Dorothy, Advertising Specialist Delina Wille, Secretary Cassy Reed and Treasurer Charlee Enos.

The PTO is excited to have new committees to help ease the burdens of the officers and to allow everyone an opportunity to serve. Thirty-eight different parents sign up to help and many signed up for two committees.

The new committees and committee leaders are as follows: Teacher Request Committee — Carrie Estenson; Parent Teacher Conference Meals Committee — Cassy Reed, Jess Morrison and Mindy Makay; Christmas Baskets/Art Auction — Kee Elder; Valentines Grams Committee — Charlee Enis; Teacher Appreciation Week and Teacher Wish Tree Committee — Delina Wille, Carrie Estenson, Michal Needham, Jaqueline Polson; Movie Night — Cassy Reed and Kee Elder.

Upcoming PTO events include opportunities for the Teacher Request Committee. Each Thursday, at any time during the day, those who would like to join this committee can go to the teacher workroom and serve the teachers. There is a basket of items that need laminated, cut, stapled, etc.

Other activities which the PTO helps with are the school’s picture day on Oct. 1, the book fair Oct. 7, parent-teacher conferences on Oct. 8 and 10, and the pie night Oct. 21.

The goal of the PTO is to support the teachers, staff, parents and especially the students. During the 2018-19 school year the organization was able to provide meals to teachers and staff on parent-teacher conference nights. They also hosted the first RWE Movie Night, which raised $315 for scholarships for students to go on the Yellowstone trip and support the Denver trip.

Other firsts that the PTO helped provide include the teacher request forms, through which they provided $248.36 on requested books that teachers were unable to purchase with their own budgets, and the Valentines Candy Grams which provided scholarship funds for the Denver trip and money for soccer equipment.

For more information on the PTO or to join, contact Ralph Witters Elementary at 864-6561.


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