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HSCHS students perform well on ACTs

Hot Springs County High School had the strongest performance on state assessments in recent history.

The 9th and 10th grades had scores well above the state average in English language arts, math and science.

The strongest data is the ACT in 11th grade, an area that has long been a struggle for cohort performance in Hot Springs County. For the first time Hot Springs County High School has an overall cohort composite score placing our students in the top ten academically in the state.

Our work to develop a vertically aligned curriculum across grade levels and content areas is paying big dividends for students.

Grades 9, 10, 11 last spring all performed equally well, and the upcoming 8th grade class (current freshmen) are bringing the strongest scores ever seen to the high school, across all three content areas (math, science and reading).

Hot Springs County High School earned a “Meeting Expectations” rating from the Wyoming Department of Education, with an “Exceeding Expectations” on Equity (academic growth of students scoring in the bottom quartile on previous assessments) and an “Exceeding Expectations” on Grade Nine Credits (predicted on time graduation for freshmen).

An area of improvement is to ensure all students are “Post-Secondary” ready which is measured by the number of students taking all of the Hathaway approved coursework in high school.

One of the priority goals for 2018-19 at HSCHS was to “Close the Gap” between the lowest and highest performing students, by raising the academic bar for all students.

The 2006 ACT College and Workforce Readiness Study concluded the math and reading skills needed to be an electrician/carpenter/plumber are the same needed to be a successful first year college student.

Career, College and Military Readiness must include high expectations for ALL students. This is measured by reducing the number of students with a composite ACT of 18 or below, while increasing the number of students with a composite ACT of 21+.


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