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Kind of like a squirrel

I believe fall is my favorite season of the year. I can pull out my sweaters and other snuggly, soft clothes, the air simply smells differently and for some odd reason, fall is when the “Betty Crocker” in me goes into full swing.

Right now, the focus in my kitchen is zucchini.

Zucchini cookies, zucchini bread, zucchini boats filled with sausage, onions and peppers, topped off with smoked provolone. I’m shredding zucchini to freeze for use this winter and making slices and dices of the green giants to add to soups later.

I do come by this zucchini psychosis honestly.

My aunt was one of those people who canned everything…literally, God bless her. When she passed away it took us days to clean out her basement shelves filled with everything from canned, whole chickens to banana peppers.

I’ve never gotten into canning myself since the pressure cookers scare the life out of me, but boy, can I freeze stuff!

Sure, its taken years of trial, error and freezer burn to get it right, but I have it down to a science now with a lot of help from a vacuum sealer.

I’ve even learned how to make soup ahead of time and freeze it in individual servings for those nights I don’t get home from work until late. I have bags stacked in my freezer so I can open the door, grab a potato or onion ring bag from the top shelf, a veggie from the second shelf and a meat from the bottom shelf and dinner’s ready in half an hour.

So if you don’t see me out and about over the weekend, know that I’m just in my kitchen, slicing, dicing and freezing, stocking up for the winter.

Kind of like a squirrel.


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