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Town council approves land transfer

Following a brief public hearing during which there was no comment, the Thermopolis Town Council, with Mayor Mike Chimenti absent, approved a land exchange. Under this exchange, the Ruth Clare Johnson Trust has agreed to exchange 14.70 acres appraised at $54,000 with the town, for 14.70 acres appraised at $54,000.

The Johnson Trust land is located off Highway 20 North in the Northeast Northwest of Section 25, Township 43 North, Range 95 West, and the Thermopolis parcel to be exchanged is located north of the golf course in the Southeast Northwest of Section 25, Township 43 North, Range 95 West. The town has also provided for an easement and appropriate fencing across the parcel it obtains from the Johnson Trust from Highway 20 North of Thermopolis to remaining Johnson properties.

Mayor’s Assistant Fred Crosby noted the exchange has been advertised for three weeks prior to Tuesday’s meeting, and the land the town receives will provide space for a landfill transfer station.

In other action, council approved the second reading of Ordinance 840, Section 1, concerning adopted codes.

Under the new ordinance, the town will adopt the International Building Code, International Residential Code, International Existing Building Code, International Fire Code, International Property Management Code, International Mechanical Code, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, International Plumbing Code, International Fuel Gas Code, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 58 Fuel Gas Code and the NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code. Additionally, the ordinance establishes related fees.

The adoption was proposed by the engineering department after it was determined the codes had not been updated since 2012. Prior to the approval of the second reading, the ordinance was amended to remove the adoption of the International Energy Conservation Code. Crosby noted this code has not been adopted by the state.

Town Attorney Mike Messenger asked whether the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code would create issues with the local pools. Crosby said the code was used by the town and state were used with the last project done, and he’s fairly sure it would again be used if further improvements to the pools are made. The ordinance has one more reading before it’s official.

An agreement between the town and Wellspring was approved. For $3,000 paid by the town, the counseling service will provide consultation with law enforcement including, but not limited to, routine matters during regular office hours; 24-hour consultation to law enforcement, subject to availability of clinicians, when law enforcement is involved with those suspected of being psychotic and/or dangerous to themselves or others, and in any other bona fide crisis situation.

Also provided are one-time consultations for town employees to assist them in identifying available resources to alleviate behavioral health issues, in-service training for town employees and counseling services to full–time town employees at a cost borne by employees’ medical insurance. The agreement between the town and Wellspring is effective July 1 and continues through June 30 of 2020.

Also during the meeting, Town Engineer Anthony Barnett noted all of the paperwork has been put together for the new roof on the old fire hall, and work is expected to start sooner than originally expected. Work is also ready to proceed on the chip seal and Springview sewer line projects. Council approved proceeding with all three projects.

Later in the meeting, Director of Public Works Ernie Slagle noted with the way the bids are coming in on the chip seal, another five blocks could be added. He also said there would be a test for a double chip seal done on Amoretti from 12th to 14th. He pointed out that section is something of a “jigsaw puzzle” and could take all of the town’s crack seal to fix those two blocks. He’s hopeful the double chip seal will fix the issues.

Crosby also reported two new Chevy Tahoes have been ordered for the police department, and trade-ins will be done on a Dodge Durango and an old Ford Explorer. He further noted these transactions will work budget-wise.

Crosby also included a list of hail damage, though he noted the estimates have come in significantly lower on several items. He plans to discuss the matter further with the insurance company.


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