Thermopolis was recently host to the Wyoming Chamber Executive Director Heidi Peterson, based out of Laramie.
Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Meri Ann Rush noted she is made aware of such visits ahead of time, and members of the local board were invited, along with those who are on the upcoming elections. Rush explained there are four board members who are “terming out,” having served two three-year terms.
According to the chamber bylaws, they have to take a year off before serving on the board again.
Rush is the President Elect for the state board, but at the upcoming fall conference, her seat on the board is up for renewal. “We will do board elections at our membership meeting, but also decide who will be the officers for the next coming year, which will be in January.”
By having the local board at the meeting with Peterson, Rush wants them to be more aware of what the state chamber does and the benefits to Thermopolis.
“Like any other board,” she said, “we’ve been going through strategic planning. We did a work session at our April conference. One thing I get out of it is being able to go to these conferences with other chamber executives and bouncing off ideas with people who have some of the same struggles. It helps recharge your batteries.”
The mission of the state chamber is to build chambers of commerce in Wyoming, as well as cultivation, education and communication. One thing being looked at is professional development, Rush said, so chamber directors stay in their positions longer.
Rush also noted the ballots for election of the local board directors will be sent out in September.
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