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Grouse hunting opens Sunday

Grouse hunters can start preparing this week to bag their Blue (Dusky) Grouse, Ruffed Grouse and Sharp-Tailed Grouse, as seasons for all three open on Saturday, Sept. 1, Bag limits for each of the grouse species is three daily and nine in possession.

September 15 will see the opening for Chukar and Gray Partridges — limits of five daily in 15 in possession for each — and Sept. 21 is the opener for Sage Grouse, with limits of two daily and four in possession.

It should be noted that Sage Grouse hunting is closed in Wyoming, except for all of Big Horn, Fremont, Hot Springs, Park, Sweetwater, Uinta and Washakie counties, as well as that portion of Albany County north of U.S. Highway 30-287 and west of the Fetterman Road (Albany County Road 61), that portion of Converse County south and west of the Balsh Road (U.S.F.S. Road 660), all of Carbon County except that portion east of the Medicine Bow River and South of U.S. Highway 30-287, all of Lincoln and Sublette counties except those portions within the Snake River drainage, and all of Natrona County except that portion east of Interstate Highway 25.

Only one daily bag limit of each species of upland game birds and small game may be taken per day regardless of the number of hunt areas hunted in a single day. When hunting more than one hunt area, a person’s daily and possession limits shall be equal to, but shall not exceed, the largest daily and possession limit prescribed for any one of the specified hunt areas in which the hunting and possession occurs.

Evidence of sex and species shall remain naturally attached to the carcass of any upland game bird in the field and during transportation. For pheasant, this shall include the feathered head, feathered wing or foot. For all other upland game bird species, this shall include one fully feathered wing.

Any person hunting pheasants within the boundaries of any Wyoming Game and Fish Commission Wildlife Habitat Management Area, or on Bureau of Reclamation Withdrawal lands bordering and including Glendo State Park, shall wear in a visible manner at least one outer garment of fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink color which shall include a hat, shirt, jacket, coat, vest or sweater.

Small game hunting seasons opening on Sept. 1 include: Cottontail Rabbit, with limits of 10 daily and 20 in possession; Snowshoe Hare, with limits of four daily and eight in possession; and Red, Grey and Fox Squirrel, with limits of 10 daily and 20 in possession.


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