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Farmers Market starts July 27

The Farmers Market will be starting downtown July 27 and will run through Sept. 28. Saturday Market times are from 8-11 a.m.

If you’re interested in joining the Market this year, set up begins at 7 a.m. with the street reopening at noon each Saturday. No sales prior to the opening bell at 8 a.m. are allowed.

Please register at the Master Gardener Table and submit fees, $5.00 per market or $25.00 for season, before setting up. Vehicles will be allowed into the setup area until 7:45 a.m. after which time all items must be hand carried in. Vehicles not required for vending, will be required to park outside the vending area.

Vendors must provide their own tables/chairs/booths/and change. Please leave your pets at home. This is a non-smoking space. Please leave the market area to smoke. You must clean up your own area and dispose of any waste.

Products that can be sold: If you made it, you can sell it. No items made by someone else.

Raw Agricultural Products: Includes fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains, and plants. Local growers will have preferential treatment. If a certain type of food is not available from a local grower, out-of-town produce will be accepted.

Animal Products: Includes meats (meat can be sold, if processed under inspection in a state or federal plant), raw milk, cheese, eggs, honey, wool and other products derived from animals.

Prepared Foods: As per the 2015 Wyoming Food Freedom Act, any homemade food (with the exclusion of meat, except poultry and farm raised fish) product may be sold by the producer to the informed end consumer. Previously listed “potentially hazardous” foods, such as canned goods, salsas, raw milk, raw milk products, and poultry products can now be sold at farmers’ markets. Food shall not be sold to or used in any commercial establishment unless the food has been labeled, licensed, packaged, regulated, or inspected as required by law.

If you intend to sell prepared foods at the Market, in order to meet the requirements of the law, you must provide signage informing the end consumer that your “product is not licensed, regulated or inspected.”

Non-Agricultural Products: Arts and crafts that have been made by the vendor. Examples: pottery, handmade soap, handcrafted furniture, and similar items including artwork.

Please be sure your products do not require a special license. All meats, except poultry and farm-raised fish require licensing. If you have questions, contact our WY Dept. of Ag Inspector, Jamie George at 307-347-2501.

The Thermopolis Farmers’ Market reserves the right disallow items in question.

For more information on the Market, please call Sonja Becker at 921-8456.


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