A report in the Thermopolis Independent Record stated tons of sludge (tainted water) from 4,250 oil wells may be dumped into Badwater Creek drainage. Small creek beds, dry most of the year, could carry an estimated 8.27 millions of sludge into Boysen Reservoir. According to the report.
What problems can we expect from 2,000-plus TONS of oilfield pollutants carried from Boysen into the Big Horn River every month? Can any study estimate the livestock, deer, antelope, small wildlife and vegetation poisoned by such a huge amount of gunk? What effect would this have on our drinking water? Will we, our children, be included in the poisoned?
I think this is something our community should be concerned with. A meeting in Thermopolis auditorium is planned for Tuesday, May 21 at 5:30 p.m. If you like to express your opinion or have questions for the oil companies, please be there.
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