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Spring fever

I got a text message from my daughter this morning, “Can you come sign me out of school? I don’t want to be here.”

She’s the teacher.

This time of year is really hard on our educators, between the spring fever the kids are suffering from the end of year testing and the million and one events going on, they’re tired.

I have such respect for teachers. Sure, they are often teased about getting three months off in the summer, but those nine months they are in the classroom more than makes up for that extended vacation.

Its not really a vacation, though, as most teachers are still in the classroom during the summer, taking online classes, increasing their knowledge of the latest teaching techniques and oftentimes working toward a master’s degree or higher.

This might be a good time to send your child’s teacher an extra treat. A candy bar to give them a little extra boost in the afternoon? Maybe bring them an iced coffee when you drop your little one off in the morning?

Sometimes just a hug and a thank you will make their day a little easier.

There is no way in the world we can properly thank our teachers for doing all they do for our children. They are the parents when we’re not around, guiding, teaching and loving every one of them, just like we do.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!


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